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Save a RawImage to file


So I set up a RawImage that captures the image from a VR headset's pass-through camera.

Now that the picture is correctly displayed, I'd like to save it ...

public class CameraCaptureBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
    private const string Tag = "[CAMERA_CAPTURE]";
    private const int CaptureFrequency = 500;
    [field:SerializeField] private RawImage CameraImage { get; set; }

    private int count = 0;

    private void Update()
        if (  count % CaptureFrequency != 0) return;
        AndroidHelper.LogCat("Trying to get image", Tag);
        catch (Exception e)
            AndroidHelper.LogCat(e.Message, Tag);

    private void SaveImage()
        var texture = CameraImage.texture;
        if (texture == null)
            AndroidHelper.LogCat("No camera image found.", Tag);

        var texture2d = (Texture2D) texture;
        var imageBytes = texture2d.EncodeToJPG();
        AndroidHelper.LogCat($"imageBytes is null: {imageBytes == null}", Tag);
        if (imageBytes == null) return;
        var filename = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssffff")   ".jpg";
        var filepath = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, filename);
        AndroidHelper.LogCat($"{imageBytes.Length} to {filepath}", Tag);
            File.WriteAllBytes(filepath, imageBytes);
            AndroidHelper.LogCat("SAVED", Tag);
        catch (Exception e)
            AndroidHelper.LogCat(e.Message, Tag);

which gives me

[CAMERA_CAPTURE] Trying to get image
[CAMERA_CAPTURE] imageBytes is null: False
[CAMERA_CAPTURE] 0 to /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/my.app/files/202203290841482532.png

I have no idea why the image should be empty.

Let's try the Color32 thing suggested by Convert Color32 array to byte array to send over network :

public class CameraCaptureBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
    private const string Tag = "[CAMERA_CAPTURE]";
    private const int CaptureFrequency = 500;
    [field:SerializeField] private RawImage CameraImage { get; set; }

    private int count = 0;

    private void Update()
        if (  count % CaptureFrequency != 0) return;
        AndroidHelper.LogCat("Trying to get image", Tag);
        catch (Exception e)
            AndroidHelper.LogCat(e.Message, Tag);

    private void SaveImage()
        var texture = CameraImage.texture;
        if (texture == null)
            AndroidHelper.LogCat("No camera image found.", Tag);

        var texture2d = (Texture2D) texture;

        var color32 = new Color32Array();
        color32.colors = texture2d.GetPixels32();
        var imageBytes = color32.byteArray;
        AndroidHelper.LogCat($"imageBytes is null: {imageBytes == null}", Tag);
        if (imageBytes == null) return;
        var filename = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssffff")   ".jpg";
        var filepath = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, filename);
        AndroidHelper.LogCat($"{imageBytes.Length} to {filepath}", Tag);
            File.WriteAllBytes(filepath, imageBytes);
            AndroidHelper.LogCat("SAVED", Tag);
        catch (Exception e)
            AndroidHelper.LogCat(e.Message, Tag);

public struct Color32Array
    public byte[] byteArray;

    public Color32[] colors;

which gives me

[CAMERA_CAPTURE] Trying to get image
[CAMERA_CAPTURE] Texture '' is not configured correctly to allow GetPixels

I've also found https://answers.unity.com/questions/1503328/save-rawimage-texture-to-file.html which - like all questions that sound exactly what you need but were asked several years ago - is completely devoid of useful information.

I just want to save the bloody picture I'm looking at in the goggles, that can't be so darn difficult?!

Some help would be appreciated.

How do I save a RawImage?

(Note: texture.GetType().FullName gives me UnityEngine.Texture2D)

(Note: I checked the texture size after I retrieved it, and it's 600x600 so the picture isn't just 0 pixels large)

CodePudding user response:

I don't think you can simply cast the RawImage.texture to a Texture2D. Try to rather actually copy it over like e.g.

var texture2d = new Texture2D(texture.width, texture.hight);
Graphics.CopyTexture(texture, texture2d);    

see Graphics.CopyTexture

CodePudding user response:

You can call texture2d.EncodeToJPG to a texture2D, you got that right. You can NOT however just cast any texture into a texture2D. Well you can, but things won't necessarily work out, as you figured out your self ;)

To convert a RENDERtexture into a Texture2D, you can do the following:

RenderTexture.active = texture;
Texture2D texture2d = new Texture2D(texture.width, texture.height);
texture2d.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, texture.width, texture.height),0, 0);
RenderTexture.active = null;

If this doesn't work, you can try Graphics.CopyTexture() as derHugo pointed out, or google for the way to convert the specific Texture type you have into a Texture2D

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