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Windows shortcuts daqo


Separately according to the Windows, to show or hide the "start" menu
Windows + BREAK: according to "system properties" dialog
Windows + D: show desktop
Windows + M: minimize all Windows
Windows + Shift + M: restore to minimize window
Open Windows + E: "explorer"
Windows + F: find the file or folder
Windows + CTRL + F: look for computer
Windows + F1: display Windows "help"
Open Windows + R: "run" dialog
Open Windows + U: "common program manager
"Windows + L: switch users (Windows xp new features)

Ctrl shortcut keys
Ctrl + S to save
Ctrl + W to close program
Ctrl + N new
Ctrl + O open
Ctrl + Z undo
Ctrl + F to find
Ctrl + X shear
Ctrl + C to copy
Ctrl + V to paste the
Ctrl + A selection
Ctrl + [shrink text
Ctrl +] magnify words
Ctrl + B bold
Ctrl + I italics
Ctrl + U underlined
Ctrl + Shift switch input method
Ctrl + space to switch in both Chinese and English
Ctrl + enter QQ number to send information in
Ctrl + Home quickly moved to the cursor file header
Ctrl + End cursor quickly moved to the end-of-file
Ctrl + Esc shows the start menu
Ctrl + Shift + & lt; Rapid shrink text
Ctrl + Shift + & gt; Rapid amplification words
Ctrl + F5 in IE forced refresh
Ctrl + drag file copying files
Ctrl + Backspace input method on \ off
Holding down the Ctrl + Shift + drag files to create shortcuts to

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Alt shortcut keys

Alt + F4 to close the current program
Alt + space + C to close the window
Alt + space + N to minimize the current window
Alt + space + R recovery minimize window
Alt + space + X to maximize the current window
Alt + space + M moving window
Alt + space + S change the window size
Alt + Tab two exchange program
Alt + 255 qq number entered in no celebrity
Alt + F to open the file menu
Open the view menu Alt + V
Alt + E to open the edit menu
Alt + I open the insert menu
Alt + O open the format menu
Alt + T open the tools menu
Alt + A open form menu
Alt + W to open the window menu
Alt + H open the help menu
Alt + enter to view the file attribute
Alt + double-click the file to view the file attribute
Alt + X closed C

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Shift shortcut keys

Shift + space half \ Angle switch
Shift + right-click menu to open the right way to
Shift + F10 selected files right menu
Shift + multistage file closed
Shift + Del directly delete files
Shift + ^ in Chinese punctuation half Angle in smart ABC province yue,
Shift + \ in the Chinese punctuation marks half Angle of pause in the smart ABC

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Shortcut keys

The regular keyboard shortcuts

Ctrl + C to copy,
Ctrl + X shear,
Ctrl + V to paste,
Ctrl + Z,
Shift + Delete permanently Delete option, and not put it in the "recycle bin",
Drag one press CTRL when copy the option,
Drag one press CTRL + SHIFT to create shortcut options by purpose,
F2 renames the selected project,
CTRL + right to move the insertion point to the next word at beginning,
CTRL + left key to move the insertion point to the start of a word, before
CTRL + down key will be the start of the insertion point moves to the next paragraph,
CTRL + up key to move the insertion point to the start of the previous paragraph,
Any CTRL + SHIFT + arrow keys to highlight a piece of text,
Any SHIFT + arrow keys in a window or choose a number on the desktop, or selected text in the document,
Ctrl + A to select all content,
F3 search files or folders,
Alt + Enter to view the purpose of the options properties,
Alt + F4 to close the current project or exit from the current program,
ALT + Enter to display the selected object's properties,
Alt + spacebar open the context menu for the current window,
Ctrl + F4 to allow open multiple documents in the program at the same time close the current document,
Alt + Tab in open the switch between projects,
Alt + Esc in project open order cycle switch,
F6 in window or desktop switching screen elements,
F4 show "my computer" and "Windows explorer" "address" column in the list,
Shift + F10 display the shortcut menu options,
Alt + spacebar "system" menu displays the current window,
Ctrl + Esc shows "start" menu,
ALT + the underlined letters in the menu name display the corresponding menu,
In open menus displayed on the command name underlined letters to execute the corresponding command,
F10 activate the application menu bar,
Right arrow key to open the right of the next open the menu or submenu,
Left arrow on the next menu or on the left off submenu,
F5 to refresh the current window,
BackSpace in "my computer" or "Windows explorer view" on a layer of folders,
Esc to cancel the current task,
Insert the CD into the cd-rom drive when press the SHIFT key to prevent CD automatic play,
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Shortcuts dialog

Ctrl + Tab in the Tab between moving forward,
Ctrl + Shift + Tab in the Tab between backward,
Between Tab in the options to move forward,
Shift + Tab in the options between backward,
ALT + the underlined letters to implement corresponding commands or select the corresponding option,
Enter the orders to live option or button corresponds,
The blank space key if living options is a check box, select or clear the check box,
The arrow keys to live option button is a set of options, please select a button,
F1 showed help,
F4 display the current list of projects,
BackSpace if in the "save as" or "open" dialog box to select a folder, open a folder at the next higher level,
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Natural keyboard shortcuts

In "the Microsoft natural keyboard" or contains the Windows logo key () and "application" key () the other is compatible with the keyboard, you can use the following shortcut keys,

Please press the objective
Show or hide the "start" menu,
Win + BREAK shows "system properties" dialog box,
+ D display desktop,
+ M to minimize all Windows,
+ Shift + M reduction minimize window,
+ E open "my computer",
+ F search files or folders,
Search computer CTRL++ F,
Display Windows + F1 help,
+ L if connected to a network domain, the lock your computer, or if there is no connection to the network domain, then switch user,
+ R to open the "run" dialog box,
Display the shortcut menu options,
Tools + U to open the "manager",

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The auxiliary keyboard shortcuts

Please press the objective
On the right side of the SHIFT key for eight seconds and off switch "filter",
On the left side of the ALT + SHIFT + PRINTSCREEN switch on the left side of the "high contrast" and off,
On the left side of the ALT + SHIFT + on the left side of the NUMLOCK and off switch "mouse",
The Shift key to switch five times "sticky keys" and off,
NumLock key for five seconds to switch "switch key" and off,
Tools + U to open the "manager",
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"Windows explorer" keyboard shortcuts

Please press the objective
END show the bottom of the current window,
The top of the page shows the current window,
NUMLOCK + digital keyboard an asterisk (*) shows all subfolders of the selected folder,
NUMLOCK + digital keyboard a plus sign (+) showed that the contents of the selected folder,
NUMLOCK + digital keyboard a minus sign (-) fold the selected folder,
The left arrow key to present options
His father are in a state of a folded the, or selected folders,
The right arrow key when the current state in the folding of the options on this, or choose

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