The dynamic hoverlabel background color in R plotly does not seem to work when using scattergl
instead of scatter
as depicted in the example below.
Works as intended with type = "scatter"
X <- data.frame(x = 1:6,
y = 1:6,
z = 1:6)
plot_ly(data = X, x = ~x, y = ~y,
type = "scatter", mode = "markers",
marker = list(color = ~x,
colorscale = list(c(0, .5, 1), c('#0d71db', "#dbc00d", "#db220d"))))
The hoverlabel background color becomes black for all data points with type = "scattergl"
plot_ly(data = X, x = ~x, y = ~y,
type = "scattergl", mode = "markers",
marker = list(color = ~x,
colorscale = list(c(0, .5, 1), c('#0d71db', "#dbc00d", "#db220d"))))
I guess a solution could be to pass the same color array used in colorscale
to the
As you can see from the plot, the label is the same color as the marker.