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"wheel" event is being fired infinitly and crashing my website


import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import "./Skill.css";
import { Fade } from "react-reveal";
function Skill({ name, color }) {
  const [style, setStyle] = useState({ borderBottom: `4px solid ${color}` });
  window.addEventListener("wheel", () => {
    let scroll = window.scrollY;
    if (scroll >= 1300) {
        animation: "load 2s ease-out",
        display: "block",
        borderBottom: `4px solid ${color}`,
  return (
      <div className="skill">
        <Fade bottom>
          <div className="Skill__logo">
          <div className="skills__about">
            <div className="skillitem">
              <div className="skill__set">
                <div className="skill__Name" style={{ color: color }}>
              <div style={style} className="loading__skill"></div>

export default Skill;

Here is my code and I dunno for some reason the wheel event is firing infinitely and crashing my application kindly if somebody can tell me what is the issue

I dunno for some reason the wheel event is firing infinitely and crashing my application kindly if somebody can tell me what is the issue

CodePudding user response:

When setStyle inside the wheel event listener callback is called - the Skill component is refreshed which then invokes window.addEventListener("wheel", () => { again; adding another callback to the window and because wheel was what was called initially it is called again, hence repeating this loop infinitely.

This can be fixed easily by adding the logic that is only meant to be getting triggered by the first render inside a useEffect hook which has the second parameter as [], like so:

useEffect(() => {
  window.addEventListener("wheel", () => {
    let scroll = window.scrollY;
    if (scroll >= 1300) {
        animation: "load 2s ease-out",
        display: "block",
        borderBottom: `4px solid ${color}`,
}, []);

The above however is a quick workaround to your solution. window based properties should realistically be controlled in the parent-most component of the application to avoid global variable pollution and maintainability the event listeners that are exerted on the application in a cohesive manner.

CodePudding user response:

The reason may be because when you scroll, the wheel event is fired many times. You can try to apply a debouncing script.

// ...more code
function debounce(func, timeout = 300){
  let timer;
  return (...args) => {
    timer = setTimeout(() => { func.apply(this, args); }, timeout);
 window.addEventListener("wheel", debounce(() => {
    let scroll = window.scrollY;
    if (scroll >= 1300) {
        animation: "load 2s ease-out",
        display: "block",
        borderBottom: `4px solid ${color}`,
// ...more code

The example limits it to firing every 300 milliseconds, or every 0.3 of a second.

CodePudding user response:

Remember, every time you set state or change a prop, a render cycle is incurred. And, in your component, at every render cycle you are setting a listener on the scroll event that you never unset. Furthermore, one of the actions in your listener handler is to set state, which will invoke another render, which creates yet another listener, to invoke another render-- you can see where this is approaching an infinite loop-like situation.

What you should do is use the useState hook, to set your handler on the initial render only, and then return a function that unsets the listener on the unmount of the component:

// define handleWheel outside your function, or with `useCallback` to set a persistent reference
const handleWheel = () => {
  let scroll = window.scrollY;
  if (scroll >= 1300) {
      animation: "load 2s ease-out",
      display: "block",
      borderBottom: `4px solid ${color}`,

// later, in your component:
useState(() => {
  window.addEventListener("wheel", handleWheel);
  return () => window.removeEventListener("wheel", handleWheel); // to be called at unmount of component
}, []); // empty array ensures it will be called only at first render

CodePudding user response:

So many good answers but nobody considered a way to avoid re-render. So I am giving you a different approach. Your window.addEventListener("wheel") is getting called when you scroll using the wheel and when the scrollY goes beyond 1300 a style is set with the state. This causes a re-render of the component. If you scroll further, the component will keep re-rendering. I assume you want to apply a style when scroll >= 1300 and revert it back when we scroll to the top.

If we use a useRef() to hold a value that detects whether the required state change has occurred, then we can avoid a whole lot of re-render by not setting the style again and again as we scroll. The value change of ref won't re-render the component. Only the state changes will.


So let me try to give a working code example,


You may also use React.Memo() and pass a comparison function to avoid any re-render on the continuous scroll event, style set.

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