new to python and doing a school project
I have an interface that registers the results of each student for various subjects and I would like to seek help on what my event loop should do to update the results into my dictionary after clicking the submit button.
import PySimpleGUI as sg
GradesDictionary = {
"Albedeo": {"English":None, "Math":None, "Chinese":None},
"Barbara": {"English":None, "Math":None, "Chinese":None},
"Chongyun": {"English":None, "Math":None, "Chinese":None}
subjects = ["English", "Math", 'Science', "Chinese"]
studentNames =['Albedo', 'Barbara', 'Chongyun']
resultsLayout = [[sg.Combo(studentNames, enable_events=True, key='current_student')],
# creates a dropdown window with the student names
[sg.Text("Name:"), sg.Text('', key='current_name', enable_events=True)],
# displays the name of the selected student
[sg.Text('English'), sg.InputText(do_not_clear=False)], # standard input boxes for the score
[sg.Text('Math'), sg.InputText(do_not_clear=False)],
[sg.Text('Science'), sg.InputText(do_not_clear=False)],
[sg.Text('Chinese'), sg.InputText(do_not_clear=False)],
[sg.B("Submit"), sg.Cancel()]] # standard button to submit score and leave window
resultsWindow = sg.Window("Register Results", resultsLayout,size=(1000,200),finalize=True,)
while True:
event, values =
if event == "Cancel" or event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
elif event == "current_student":
elif event == "Submit":
CodePudding user response:
Update the dictionary only when submit for the selected student name.
import PySimpleGUI as sg
GradesDictionary = {}
subjects = ["English", "Math", 'Science', "Chinese"]
studentNames =['Albedo', 'Barbara', 'Chongyun']
layout_subjects = [
[sg.Text(subject), sg.Push(), sg.InputText(do_not_clear=False, key=subject)]
for subject in subjects
Layout = [
[sg.Text('Select student name'),
sg.Combo(studentNames, enable_events=True, key='current_student')],
[sg.B("Submit"), sg.Cancel()], # standard button to submit score and leave window
resultsWindow = sg.Window("Register Results", Layout, finalize=True)
while True:
event, values =
if event == "Cancel" or event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
elif event == "Submit":
name = values['current_student']
if name in studentNames:
GradesDictionary[name] = {subject:values[subject] for subject in subjects}