I am trying to implement the add-to-cart feature with my firebase using firestore.
I have a fetch function that gets any existing item that is in the cart already. But all I need is the value in the Array items but when I add it to my fectchedcartItems list, it creates a nested array which gives me issues when I am trying to update the cart as it doesn't support nested array. Is there a way to just get the values and not create a nested array? fetchItems = () => {
Fire.shared.firestore.collection("cart").where("userId", "==", this.state.uid).get().then((qSnap) => {
let itemList = []
qSnap.docs.forEach(item => {
fetchedcartItems: itemList
console.log("fectched product", this.state.fetchedcartItems);
addItemToCart = () => {
let items = this.state.fetchedcartItems
items.push({ item: this.state.name, userId: this.state.uid })
items: items,
fectchingitemsloading: true,
() => Fire.shared
items: items
.then(() => this.fetchItems())
CodePudding user response:
let itemList = []
qSnap.docs.forEach(item => {
fetchedcartItems: itemList
appears to be an array. So when you push an array into another array, you get a nested array. Instead, you should push the individual items into the array so that you end up with just a single toplevel array:
let itemList = [];
qSnap.docs.forEach(item => {
itemList.push(...item.data().items) // <---- added spread syntax
// Moved the setState outside the loop; there's no need to set state multiple times
fetchedcartItems: itemList
Or an alternative using flatMap:
let itemList = qSnap.docs.flatMap(item => item.data().items);
fetchedcartItems: itemList