import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split,cross_val_score
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
path = r"C:\Users\thund\Downloads\Boat.csv"
data = pd.read_csv(path) # pip install xlrd
print (data.dropna(axis=0)) #dropping rows that have missing values
print (data['Class'].value_counts())
print(data['Class'].value_counts().plot(kind = 'bar'))
data['safety'].value_counts().plot(kind = 'bar')
import seaborn as sns
sns.countplot(data['demand'], hue = data['Class'])
X = data.drop(['Class'], axis = 1)
y = data['Class']
from sklearn.preprocessing import OrdinalEncoder
demand_category = ['low', 'med', 'high', 'vhigh']
maint_category = ['low', 'med', 'high', 'vhigh']
seats_category = ['2', '3', '4', '5more']
passenger_category = ['2', '4', 'more']
storage_category = ['Nostorage', 'small', 'med']
safety_category = ['poor', 'good', 'vgood']
all_categories = [demand_category, maint_category,seats_category,passenger_category,storage_category,safety_category]
oe = OrdinalEncoder(categories= all_categories)
X = oe.fit_transform( data[['demand','maint', 'seats', 'passenger', 'storage', 'safety']])
For the mentioned code I keep getting this 'ValueError: Found unknown categories [nan] in column 2 during fit'. I have tried dropping all missing values. I tried searching for a fix and I found someone's suggestion on using handle_unknown="ignore", but I don't think it works for ordinal encoding. I am fairly new to python so would deeply appreciate it if someone could give me an in-depth analysis of why this is happening and how can I work to fix it.
Ps: This is for pre-processing the data.
CodePudding user response:
To explain the error, You have dropped the "NaN" and just printed the DataFrame with dropped data.
According to your dataset or the ERROR you have a value "NaN" in column "seats".
When you print out the data['seats'].unique()
, You get something like this:
['2' '3' '4' '5more' nan]
There are two solutions:
Using inplace :
What this does is , it updates the original DataFrame to its updated value
Manually assigning:
`data = data.dropna()`
This exactly does what 'inplace' does but its not that effecient but more understandable.
Hope this answers your question.