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To share a real-time synchronization program - filesync under Linux file


To share a file under Linux real-time synchronization program
Filesync real-time synchronization system is real-time detection of arbitrary files of all incidents and synchronization software,
Filesync real-time synchronization system (hereinafter referred to as filesync) to the Linux kernel as the foundation, USES the c + + 11 programming technology, the event scanning technology and file transfer load on the underlying operating system, realized with arbitrary files of all incidents (new | delete modified moving | | | change | content attribute removed) for real-time detection and synchronous, completely solve the problem of file cannot be under Linux system real-time synchronization,
Filesync after the operation, in the configuration file will be configured in the source directory and monitor all the files in the directory, once detected have occurred, to record of the event, immediately after the event has been completed according to the rules of synchronization in the configuration file is generated, and generates a good task to the target server, client server to perform a task, complete file real-time synchronization,
Support for all major operating systems, including: Redhat series, Centos series, series of Ubuntu, Debain series, such as
Filesync real-time synchronization program download address: http://bsxt.gdbs.gov.cn/ApprLicenseInterface/api/stufftree/downFileByUser.v? FileIds=B2019101920510455
Filesync real-time synchronization procedures manual download address: http://bsxt.gdbs.gov.cn/ApprLicenseInterface/api/stufftree/downFileByUser.v? FileIds=B2019101920560527
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