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How to update a SelectizeInput depending on a textInput in Shiny


I have create one app that contains a textInput and a selectizeInput. Depending on the user's input and if the input can be found in one dataset, you will see all the possibilities according to that textInput in the selectizeInput.

image 1

In this way, if the user introduces a word that it is not in the dataset, the selectizeInput can't display any choice.

image 2

Everything works fine, but I found one problem. If the user starts writing a correct word, the user gets a dropdown list... and then, if the input is removed... the dropdown list is still there (the choices from selectizeInput are still there).

image 3

Here the code:


ui <- fluidPage(
  textInput("my_input", "Introduce a word"),
  selectizeInput(inputId = "dropdown_list", label = "Choose the variable:", choices=character(0)),

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  my_list <- reactive({
    data <- as.data.frame(storms)
    res <- subset(data, (grepl(pattern = str_to_sentence(input$my_input), data$name))) %>% 
    res <- as.factor(res$name)
  # This is to generate the choices (gene list) depending on the user's input.
  observeEvent(input$my_input, {
      session = session,
      inputId = "dropdown_list",
      choices = my_list(), options=list(maxOptions = length(my_list())),
      server = TRUE


shinyApp(ui, server)

Do you know how can I remove the choices from the selectizeInput if the user deletes the input?

Thanks very much in advance


CodePudding user response:

The issue is the req(input$myinput). Hence, if the user deletes the input my_list() does not get updated. Instead of req you could use an if to check whether the input is equal to an empty string:

my_list <- reactive({
    if (!input$my_input == "") {
      data <- as.data.frame(storms)
      res <- subset(data, grepl(pattern = str_to_sentence(input$my_input), data$name), name)
      res <- as.factor(res$name)
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