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Multiple nested array from MySQL query in PHP


I'm using foreach loops to access records in a nested array.

I need to nest 3 arrays (so the first array contains an array, which also contains an array). I'm having success with 2 arrays but I can't get 3 to work.

I had my code working with 2 arrays (which worked just fine) but I can't get 3 arrays to be nested.

This is the result that I want:

    "site_id": "1",
    "user_plants": [
        "user_plant_id": "1",
        "site_id": "1",
        "plant_id": "1",
        "plant_images": [
            "plant_image_id": "1"
            "plant_image_id": "2"
            "plant_image_id": "3"

My current code:

 $query = "SELECT A.site_id FROM sites A WHERE A.user_id='".$user_id."' GROUP BY A.site_id";
    $result = $this->conn->query($query);

    $json_response = array();
    $sites = array();
    if ($result-> num_rows > 0) {

        while ($item = $result->fetch_object())
            $sites[] = $item;

        foreach($sites as $item) {
            $row_array = (array)$item;
            $site_id = $item->site_id;

            $user_plants = "SELECT A.user_plant_id, A.site_id, A.plant_id FROM user_plants A RIGHT JOIN sites B ON A.site_id ='".$site_id."' 
            JOIN plants C ON A.plant_id = C.plant_id GROUP BY A.user_plant_id";
            $resultSet = $this->conn->query($user_plants);

            $user_plants = array();
            if ($resultSet-> num_rows > 0) {

                while ($item = $resultSet->fetch_object())
                    $user_plants[] = $item;

                foreach ($user_plants as $item) {
                    $row_array['user_plants'][] = (array)$item;

                    $plant_id = $item->plant_id;
                    $user_plant_id = $item->user_plant_id;

                    $plant_images = "SELECT A.plant_image_id FROM plants_images A WHERE A.plant_id ='".$plant_id."' UNION SELECT B.plant_image_id FROM user_plant_image B JOIN user_plants C ON B.user_plant_id ='".$user_plant_id."' WHERE C.user_id ='".$user_id."' GROUP BY B.plant_image_id ORDER BY plant_image_id";
                    $resultSet = $this->conn->query($plant_images);

                    $plant_images = array();
                    if ($resultSet->num_rows > 0) {

                        while ($item = $resultSet->fetch_object())
                            $plant_images[] = $item;

                        foreach ($plant_images as $item) {

                            $row_array['user_plants'][]['plant_images'][] = $item;

                    } else if ($resultSet->num_rows == 0) {
                        $row_array['plant_images'] = [];

                $json_response[] = $row_array;

    return $json_response;

The result of above code:

    "site_id": "1",
    "user_plants": [
        "user_plant_id": "1",
        "site_id": "1",
        "plant_id": "1"
      "plant_images": [
            "plant_image_id": "1"
            "plant_image_id": "2"
            "plant_image_id": "3"

How should I adjust the foreach loops above to cater for this?

CodePudding user response:

There's plenty of room for improvement in this code but I've ignored that and tried to keep the code matching yours in this example.

The main changes are:

  • Create a temporary variable $user_plant_array which we store "plant_images" against
  • Push that temporary variable to the $site_array at the end of the loop
  • Rename some loop variables to making it easier to identify what you're referencing
$json_response = array();
$sites = array();
if ($result->num_rows > 0) {

    while ($site = $result->fetch_object()) {
        $sites[] = $site;

    foreach ($sites as $site) {
        $site_array = (array)$site;
        $site_id = $site->site_id;

        $user_plants = "SELECT A.user_plant_id, A.site_id, A.plant_id FROM user_plants A RIGHT JOIN sites B ON A.site_id ='" . $site_id . "' 
            JOIN plants C ON A.plant_id = C.plant_id GROUP BY A.user_plant_id";
        $resultSet = $this->conn->query($user_plants);

        $user_plants = array();
        if ($resultSet->num_rows > 0) {

            while ($user_plant = $resultSet->fetch_object())
                $user_plants[] = $user_plant;

            foreach ($user_plants as $user_plant) {
                // create a temporary variable here that we will map
                // all "plant_images" to
                $user_plant_array = (array)$user_plant;

                $plant_id = $user_plant->plant_id;
                $user_plant_id = $user_plant->user_plant_id;

                $plant_images = "SELECT A.plant_image_id FROM plants_images A WHERE A.plant_id ='" . $plant_id . "' UNION SELECT B.plant_image_id FROM user_plant_image B JOIN user_plants C ON B.user_plant_id ='" . $user_plant_id . "' WHERE C.user_id ='" . $user_id . "' GROUP BY B.plant_image_id ORDER BY plant_image_id";
                $resultSet = $this->conn->query($plant_images);

                $plant_images = array();
                if ($resultSet->num_rows > 0) {

                    while ($plant_image = $resultSet->fetch_object())
                        $plant_images[] = $plant_image;

                    foreach ($plant_images as $plant_image) {
                        $user_plant_array['plant_images'][] = $plant_image;
                } else if ($resultSet->num_rows == 0) {
                    $user_plant_array['plant_images'] = [];
                // the temporary variable now contains all "plant_images"
                // now we can push that to the site array
                $site_array['user_plants'][] = $user_plant_array;

            $json_response[] = $site_array;

return $json_response;
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