I have a script that looks at overloaded tables on an application.
If the table exceeds 90% of the maximum of the table then the script sends an email with the overloaded tables.
To do that, I created a function that analyze the table :
# elemt is the current data and Max is the maximum of the table
$elemt = @($PcaDos, $PcaMal, $PcaRdv, $Pc2Tpt, $Pc2Dti, $Pc2His, $PcaLigFact)
$tableMax = @($PcaDosMax, $PcaMalMax, $PcaRdvMax, $Pc2TptMax, $Pc2DtiMax, $Pc2HisMax, $PcaLigFactMax)
# calculates 90% of the maximum of the table
$total = @()
Foreach($item in $tableMax){
$value = $item * 0.9
$total = $value
function OverloadTable{
if($Variable -gt $total[$Num]){
$path = "The $path table is overloaded"
echo 'sending mail'
echo "The $table table is not overloaded"
OverloadTable -Variable $PcaDos -Num 0 -Table PcaDos
OverloadTable -Variable $PcaMal -Num 1 -Table PcaMal
OverloadTable -Variable $PcaRdv -Num 2 -Table PcaRdv
OverloadTable -Variable $Pc2Tpt -Num 3 -Table Pc2Tpt
OverloadTable -Variable $Pc2Dti -Num 4 -Table Pc2Dti
OverloadTable -Variable $Pc2His -Num 5 -Table Pc2His
OverloadTable -Variable $PcaLigFact -Num 6 -Table PcaLigFact
This function works but it sends an email for each overloaded table whereas I want it to send a single email for each overloaded table. I tried to make a list in the function but the functions don't save the previous variables. I also tried setting the elemt list to 1 for each overloaded table and 0 for the others and send mail for the tables to 1 but it doesn't work too. I'm a beginner in function. I know it's possible but maybe I'm not using the right way
CodePudding user response:
This may work for you. probably least amount of edits, but I'm sure not best way...
Correct to $Table like @zett42 suggested.
Remove your email execution from the function. Assuming "echo 'sending mail'" is an actual execution.
Since you're expressing $Path within the function, though your could also use return $Path. Remove the echos you do not want in your Email body. Then wrap your function calls with a Subexpression Operator like this...
OverloadTable -Variable $PcaDos -Num 0 -Table PcaDos
OverloadTable -Variable $PcaMal -Num 1 -Table PcaMal
OverloadTable -Variable $PcaRdv -Num 2 -Table PcaRdv
OverloadTable -Variable $Pc2Tpt -Num 3 -Table Pc2Tpt
OverloadTable -Variable $Pc2Dti -Num 4 -Table Pc2Dti
OverloadTable -Variable $Pc2His -Num 5 -Table Pc2His
OverloadTable -Variable $PcaLigFact -Num 6 -Table PcaLigFact
) | Foreach-Object { $EMAILBODY = $_ "`r`n" }
- The ForEach-Object section will concatenate you a string from each function outputted $Path and will add line breaks, so remove if you don't want.
- Execute your email (outside of function) with $EMAILBODY.