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Optimizing my solution for 1D peg solitaire


First I will explain the rules of peg solitaire (for 1 dimension): you initially start with a 1 dimensional board of length n. n-1 elements are pegs (filled) and 1 element is a hole (empty). So a starting position can be [1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1] where 1s represent pegs and 0s represent holes for n = 6

The goal of the game is to reach a board state where n-1 elements are holes and 1 element is a peg at any given position. So a valid solution can be [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0] for n = 6

Your available moves at any given position is to move one peg by two positions to the right or to the left if and only if there is a peg between the two position, then once you make that move, replace the middle peg with a hole.

So for a board such as board = [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0] there are two available moves.

  1. move board[1] to board[3] and set board[2] = 0
  2. move board[5] to board[3] and set board[4] = 0
  3. move board[2] to board[0] and set board[1] = 0
  4. move board[4] to board[6] and set board[5] = 0

The goal of the algorithm I am trying to make is to take an input of n where n > 2 and n is an even number, then for a board of length n, find all the positions for a start state at which a hole can be placed to produce a valid solution.

I have created a brute force algorithm which finds all the possible moves until a valid solution is reached, but it starts taking a very long time to find a solution past n > 20. So I was wondering if there are some optimizations I could do or different solution approaches.

Here is my code:

import re

def generateBoard(n):
    return [1]*n

def solve(board):
    if checkBoard(board):
        return True
    elif checkUnsolvable(board):
        return False

    moves = []
    for i in range(len(board)):
        if i < len(board)-2:
            if board[i] and board[i 1] and not board[i 2]:
                moves.append((i, 'right'))
        if i > 1:
            if board[i] and board[i-1] and not board[i-2]:
                moves.append((i, 'left'))
    for move in moves:
        newBoard = makeMove(board, move)
        if solve(newBoard):
            return True

    return False

def makeMove(board, move):
    index, direction = move
    b = [element for element in board]
    if direction == 'right':
        b[index] = 0
        b[index 1] = 0
        b[index 2] = 1
    elif direction == 'left':
        b[index] = 0
        b[index-1] = 0
        b[index-2] = 1
    return b

def checkBoard(board):
    if sum(board) == 1:
        return True
    return False

def checkUnsolvable(board):
    expression1 = '1000 1' #RE for a proven to be unsolvable board
    expression2 = '00100'  #RE for a proven to be unsolvable board
    string = ''.join([str(element) for element in board])
    if re.search(expression1, string) or re.search(expression2, string):
        return True
    return False

def countSolutions(board):
    indices = []
    for i in range(len(board)):
        b = [element for element in board]
        b[i] = 0
        if solve(b):
            indices.append(i 1)
    return indices

n = int(input())

Optimizations I have come up with so far:

  1. A board containing [1, 0, 0, ..., 0, 1] is unsolvable. So when we find this patters we skip
  2. Same thing for a board containing [0, 0, .. 0, 1, 0, 0, ..,0]
  3. We only need to check half of the board, as the solutions of the other half would be symmetrical.

But despite these the code is still very slow.

CodePudding user response:

This algorithm for doing the solitaire is covered in this research paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/math/0006067.pdf.

It claims that a linear time algorithm exists.

A valid solution looks like this:

L = 1
 or 011
 or 110
 or 11 (01)* [ 00 | 00(11)  | (11) 00 | (11)*1011 | 1101(11)* ] (10)*11  # (A)
 or 11 (01)* (11)* 01  # (B)
 or 10 (11)* (10)* 11  # (C)

To solve A, you can use regex to check for the string. However, there are multiple cases of it due to the middle section.

First case: 11(01)*00(10)*11
Second case: 11(01)*(00)(11) (10)*11
Third case: 11(01)*(11) (00)(10)*11
Fourth case: 11(01)*(11)*(1011)(10)*11
Fifth case: 11(01)*1101(11)*(10)*11

To solve B and C is a simpler regex match:

Solution for B: 11(01)*(11)*01
Solution for C: 10(11)*(10)*11

If you match (you will need to convert it to a string though, such as ''.join([str(i) for i in mylist]) for example) 1, 011, 110, or any of the patterns above, then it will be solvable.

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