Objective: i want to achieve my search filter without freezing or taking so much time to load once i enter string in my search textbox. this will display all the items with or without movement.
i have 2 database where i pulled out the records.
- Settings Database (Item Table) - item_id, item_desc, item_details, item_category, item_cost
- Main Inventory Database (Inventory Table) - item_id, item_movement, item_qty
- Both database has been encrypted.
- item_id has been set to indexed (no duplicate)
My Settings db right now has 200 records and my Main Inventory has 2000 records.
Problem: Everytime I filter my data using textbox_change, it keep on freezing and it takes time to filter records.
My Code:
Private Sub txtSearchWindow_Change()
Call OpenDbSettings 'OPEN DATABASE
DbName = DatabaseLoc & "DATABASE\MAIN INVENTORY.accdb"
Call OpenDbInventory(DbName)
MYSQL = "SELECT item_id, item_desc, itm_details, itm_category, item_cost FROM ITEM " & _
"WHERE (item_id LIKE '%" & Replace(.txtSearchWindow.Text, "'", "''") & "%' " & _
"OR item_name LIKE '%" & Replace(.txtSearchWindow.Text, "'", "''") & "%' " & _
"OR item_category LIKE '%" & Replace(.txtSearchWindow.Text, "'", "''") & "%')"
MYSQL = MYSQL & " ORDER BY itm_category, itm_name"
Set rsItem = dbSettings.Execute(MYSQL)
If rsItem.EOF Then
Do Until rsItem.EOF = True
Set li = .lvSearchWindow.ListItems.Add(, , rsItem.Fields("item_id"))
li.SubItems(1) = Replace(rsItem.Fields("item_name"), "''", "'")
li.SubItems(2) = Replace(rsItem.Fields("item_category"), "''", "'")
MYSQL = "SELECT item_id, SUM(item_qty) AS NewItmQty FROM INVENTORY"
MYSQL = MYSQL & " WHERE item_id = '" & rsItem.Fields("itm_id") & "'"
MYSQL = MYSQL & " GROUP BY item_id"
Set rsInventory = dbInventory.Execute(MYSQL)
If rsInventory.EOF Then
li.SubItems(3) = "0"
li.SubItems(3) = FormatNumber(rsInventory.Fields("NewItmQty"), 0, , vbTrue)
End If
Set rsInventory = Nothing
li.SubItems(4) = FormatNumber(rsItem.Fields("itm_cost"), 2, , vbTrue)
li.SubItems(5) = Replace(rsItem.Fields("itm_details"), "''", "'")
End If
Set rsItem = Nothing
dbInventory.Close 'CLOSE DATABASE
Set dbInventory = Nothing
dbSettings.Close 'CLOSE DATABASE
Set dbSettings = Nothing
End Sub
Question: is there anyway i can speed up my search filter
CodePudding user response:
It's no surprise this is slow - you have a separate database query for each single row of the main recordset result.
To improve this, you need to combine this into a single query that has GROUP BY Item and a left join from ITEM to INVENTORY.
And for this, you need to put both tables into the same database.
Further improvement: don't immediately search on each Change
, instead wait a few 100 ms and search after the user has stopped typing. Example in Access VBA: https://stackoverflow.com/a/51608017/3820271