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Ubuntu soft raid 1, disable cannot normal boot after a hard disk


System: ubuntu 20.04

Use the Hyper - V installed ubuntu, and add two pieces of SCSI hard drives,/dev/SDB and/dev/SDC, use for mdadm configured raid 1, configuration is successful,

Then simulation to replace hard disks, violent action, in the Hyper - V SCSI1 virtual hard disk directly deleted, add a piece of empty virtual hard disk, after entering system, cannot be mounted for mdadm, use the command to add a new hard drive into the raid group cannot succeed, new the virtual hard disk, use the same operation, the structure of/dev/SDC directly copied to/dev/SDB (new), too, j is simulated violence like me off a piece of hard disk, but failed, how is this to return a responsibility excuse me?

Normal information
Version: 1.2
Creation Time: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Raid Level: Raid 1
Array Size: 1046528 (1022.00 1071.64 MB MiB)
Informs the Dev Size: 1046528 (1022.00 1071.64 MB MiB)
Raid Devices: 2
Total Devices: 2
Persistence: Superblock is persistent

The Update Time: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
The State: the clean
The Active Devices: 2
Working Devices: 2
Failed Devices: 0
Spare Devices: 0

Consistency Policy: resync

Name: server: md0 (local to the host server)
UUID: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Events: 49

The Number of Major Minor RaidDevice State
17 0 0 8 active sync/dev/sdb1
8 33 1 active sync/dev/sdc1

Remove the hard disk, to build a virtual hard disk after
The cat/proc/mdstat
Personalities: [linear] [multipath] [raid 0] [raid 1] [raid 6] [raid5] [raid4] [raid10]
Md127: inactive sdc1 [1] (S)
1046528 blocks super 1.2

Unused devices: & lt; None>

New disk processing, fdisk for fd type partition

Added to the raid 1 group failure
For mdadm -- manage/dev/md127 - add/dev/sdb1
For mdadm: always get array info for/dev/md127

For mdadm - the detail/dev/md127
Version: 1.2
Raid Level: Raid 0
Total Devices: 1
Persistence: Superblock is persistent

State: inactive
Working Devices: 1

Name: md0 (local to the host server)
UUID: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Events: 51

The Number of Major Minor RaidDevice

- 8-33 -/dev/sdc1

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