I want to use the out-of-the-box Laravel password validation rules. This is possible by using the use Illuminate\Validation\Rules\Password
So you can use those rules like so:
However, you can't use those rules inside a config file, like in this package because you get the following error when running
artisan config:cache
❯ artisan config:cache > ─╯ Configuration cache cleared successfully.
Your configuration files are not serializable.
at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Console/ConfigCacheCommand.php:84 80▕ require $configPath; 81▕ } catch (Throwable $e) { 82▕ $this->files->delete($configPath); 83▕ ➜ 84▕ throw new LogicException('Your configuration files are not serializable.', 0, $e); 85▕ } 86▕ 87▕ $this->info('Configuration cached successfully.'); 88▕ }
1 bootstrap/cache/config.php:859 Error::("Call to undefined method Illuminate\Validation\Rules\Password::__set_state()")
After reading the docs, it seems that you can't use those password rules as strings inside an array like so:
"password_rules" => ['min:8'],
So checking the available rules, the rest of the following rules (letters, mixedCase, uncompromised) are not available.
Then, is there a workaround to set those password rules inside the config file?
(so that, I can avoid the LogicException: Your configuration files are not serializable.
after executing the artisan config:cache
CodePudding user response:
use Illuminate\Validation\Rules\Password;
$rules = [
'password' => [
Try using the above code it should work.
CodePudding user response:
I am not a Laravel person, but you can put the config into an array and then unpack it later in your app with something like this:
// for illustration
class Mock {
public function __call($name, $args) {
printf("called: %s(%s)\n", $name, implode(', ', $args));
return $this;
// this is awful. never do this.
// in Laravel the min() function, and only this function, is basically
// an alias to the constructor, which is weird.
public static function __callStatic($name, $args) {
return (new self())->$name(...$args);
$params = [
'min' => [8],
'letters' => [],
'numbers' => [],
'mixedCase' => [],
'uncompromised' => [3]
$o = NULL;
foreach( $params as $func => $args ) {
if( is_null($o) ) {
$o = Mock::$func(...$args);
} else {
$o = $o->$func(...$args);
called: min(8)
called: letters()
called: numbers()
called: mixedCase()
called: uncompromised(3)