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Program to read data, split by delimiter, remove white spaces then count


I have a program I'm working on where I need to read a .txt file which has multiple rows of data that look like this:


My program below can print each sequence on a new line for analysis, however the function is where I'm having issues. I can get it to remove the individual numerical values "675" and leave the alphanumeric ones. (Removes 675 from sample)

a = "string.txt"
file1 = open(a, "r")
with open(a, 'r') as file:
  lines = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in file]
  print(*lines, sep = "\n")

cleaned_data = []
def split_lines(lines, delimiter, remove = '[0-9] $'):
  for line in lines:
    tokens = line.split(delimiter)
    tokens = [re.sub(remove, "", token) for token in tokens]
    clean_list = list(filter(lambda e:e.strip(), tokens))
    print(clean_list) # Quick check if function works
split_lines(lines, "/")

This then prints out separated rows like this, removing the white spaces (where "/" was, and numerical values)

["ABC", "DEF", "25GHI", "JKLM"]

What I'm trying to do is then use the "cleaned_data" list that contains these newly delimited rows, and quantify them to output this:

4x ["ABC", "DEF", "25GHI", "JKLM"]

What can I do next using "cleaned_data" to read each row and print a count of duplicate strings?

CodePudding user response:

from pprint import pprint

unique_data = {}
cleaned_data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 3, 4, 5, 'a', 'b', [1, 2,
                [1, 2, ]]
for item in cleaned_data:
    key = str(item) # convert mutable objects like list to immutable string.
    if not unique_data.get(key):  # key does not exist
        unique_data[key] = 1, item  # Add count of 1 and the data
    else:  # A duplicate has been encountered
        # Increment the count
        unique_data[key] = (unique_data[key][0]   1), item

for k, v in unique_data.items():


2:[1, 2]

CodePudding user response:

If you just need to get rid of duplicates:

    deduped_row_of_cleaned_data = list(set(row_of_cleaned_data))

If you need to know how many duplicates just subtract len(deduped_row_of_cleaned_data) from len(row_of_cleaned_data).

If you need a count of all duplicates you can create a list assigned empty dictionary from your deduped row:


Then loop through the list to add each value:

    for item in row_of_cleaned_data:

The loop through the dictionary to get the counts:

    for key, value in empty_dict.items():
        empty_dict[key] = len(value)

After that, you have the deduped data in


and counts of each item in

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