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How to change 'users' auth table and use another instead Laravel


So I just started a Laravel Project with Breeze, and I wanted to change the default table users , the problem is it didn't work, I did my research for days and I didn't get any successful result

I will try to explain what is the problem and what have I tried so far.

First, I created a new table called users_data, and this table, is completely different than the users table. The fields that users_data has, are for example: name_value, password_value, age_value, email_value, etc. (I have to mention too that for the table users_data, it doesn't use a migration, because I already have an sql file, and added it directly to the db (I already have tables created, with primary keys, and foreign key, so i couldn't do the migration because it would take me a lot of time), and without the migration I can still get the data, so I don't think it could be this the problem).

Actually I'am using Breeze, however, I used Auth scaffolding (PHP artisan make: Auth) too

What have I tried:

After several days of search, first I have created a new Model, called UsersModel, the content of this is the same as User Model however what I change is:

protected $table = 'users_data';

protected $fillable = [

and an extra function to override the default password of breeze or Auth (I guess):

public function getAuthPassword()
    return $this->password_value;

next I went to conf/auth.php

there I specified the Model:

   'providers' => [
        'users' => [
            'driver' => 'eloquent',
            'model' => App\Models\UsersModel::class,

and the table to use:

| Authentication Table
| When using the "Database" authentication driver, we need to know which
| table should be used to retrieve your users. We have chosen a basic
| default value but you may easily change it to any table you like.

'table' => 'users_data',

after this I went to the view login.blade.php, and changed only the email input (for what I read on different pages, changing the password input will cause different problems, because I would need to make a lot of changes to make it work so the best idea is to override it with getAuthPassword, specified in the model):

new name input:

x-input id="email"  type="text" name="name_value" :value="old('name_value')" required autofocus />

After all this I went to LoginRequest (the validation for the login), where I replaced email for name_value

I tried to debug this:

dd(Auth::attempt($this->only('name_value', 'password'), $this->boolean('remember')));

and returns false

I noticed that there's a function in vendor/laravel/ui/auth-back/AuthenticatesUsers called username(), that returns 'email'

when I saw that I remembered a page that said that this function could override too, so I changed the return value to name_value, and it doesn't do nothing

last, just to clarify,

I don't need the Register site I only need the login page, so for that in the $fillable I didn't add all the columns of the database, just the ones that I need to log in (name_value, password_value)

If anyone could help me and guide me it will be great, because I'am running out of ideas (I could do it with PHP alone, however, I need the ->middleware ['Auth], is there a way to activate the middlware if the user exists?)

CodePudding user response:

I don't think it's good practice to be editing vendor files. We don't push them to version control so other developers won't have your changes. Also, Laravel already has a way to override the username value without editing the vendor files.

Just use the trait in your auth controller like this:

public class MyLoginController {
   use AuthenticatesUsers; // or you can also use ThrottlesLogins trait

   // then override the username function here
   public function username() {
      return 'name_value';

To override the password you can define this on your User model:

public function getPasswordAttribute() {
  return $this->attributes['password_value'];

public function getAuthPassword() {
  return $this->password_value;

I haven't tested this but based on the docs this is how you should do it. Also make sure to read this Laravel doc.

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