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Match the wrong PATH in Linux, couldn't find the HDFS solutions


1. The first thing you need to delete the

Vi conf/HDFS - site. DFS of XML configuration file. The name. The dir and (DFS) data. Di path location, to me is:/home/hadoop/DFS

Reason: the rm - rf/home/hadoop/DFS

2. The second you need to delete the

Vi the conf/mapred - site. In the XML file is mapred. System. Dir file location:


To delete it: rm - rf/home/hadoop/graphs

3. Then you will delete the hadoop under the TMP file

Under the first converted into root:

Su root

Enter the password

Rm - rf/TMP/hadoop *

4. Repeat the above 1, 2, 3, in every Linus you to configure the virtual machine is executed again

5. After the completion of the switch to a hadoop users: su hadoop

After the guarantee is hadoop users,

Perform source. Bash

In performing formatting: hadoop namenode - format or HDFS namenode - the format

Perform start the cluster: start - all. Sh

Check the process: after the completion of the JPS
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