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How to save pandas dataframe rows as seperate files with the first row fixed for all?


I have a DataFrame with multiple columns and rows. The rows are student names with marks and the columns are marking criteria. I want to save the first row (column names) along with each row in seperate files with the name of the student as the name file.

Example of my data:

Marking_Rubric Requirements and Delivery\nWeight 45.00% Coding Standards\nWeight 10.00% Documentation\nWeight 25.00% Runtime - Effectiveness\nWeight 10.00% Efficiency\nWeight 10.00% Total Comments
John Doe 54 50 90 45 50 31 Limited documentation
Jane Doe 23 12 87 10 34 98 No comments

Desired output:

Marking_Rubric Requirements and Delivery Coding Standards Documentation Runtime - Effectiveness Efficiency Total Comments
John Doe 54 50 90 45 50 31 Limited documentation
Marking_Rubric Requirements and Delivery Coding Standards Documentation Runtime - Effectiveness Efficiency Total Comments
Jane Doe 23 12 87 10 34 98 No comments

CodePudding user response:

Just note that you have to have a unique name to save a file. Otherwise files with the same name will overwrite each other.

# `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
### create dummy data
column1_list = ['John Doe','John Doe','Not John Doe','special ß ß %&^ character name', 'no special character name again']
column2_list = [53,23,100,0,10]
column3_list = [50,12,200,0,10]

df = pd.DataFrame({'Marking_Rubric': column1_list,
                   'Requirements and Delivery': column2_list,
                   'Coding Standards': column3_list})

# `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
### create unique identifier that will be used as name of file, otherwise
### you will overwrite files with the same name 
df['row_number'] = df.index
df['Marking_Rubric_Rowed'] = df.Marking_Rubric   " "   df.row_number.astype(str)

Output 1

enter image description here

# `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
### create a loop the length of your dataframe and save each row as a csv

for x in range(0,len(df)):
    ### try to save file
        ###  get your current row of data first then selecting name of your file , 
        ### if you want another name just change column
        df[x:x 1].to_csv(df[x:x 1].Marking_Rubric_Rowed.iloc[0] '.csv', #### selecting name for your file here
    ### catch and print out exception if something went wrong
    except Exception as e: 
        ### continue your loop, you could also put "break" to break your loop

Output 2

enter image description here

enter image description here

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