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How to use an argument as return value in gmock


I have the following call:

EXPECT_CALL(myMock, myFunction(someSpecifiedParameter, _, _))
      .WillOnce(DoAll(SaveArg<2>(&bufferSize), Return(make_pair(Success, bufferSize))));

I'm trying to return whatever value that is passed as the second _ as my second element in the pair. Is it the best (or at least right) way to do it?

This bufferSize variable was declared in the test class.


Putting in other words:

Suppose I have the following:

class object{
    pair<int, int> f(int x);

object obj;
constexpr int fixedValue = 5;
EXPECT_CALL(obj, f(_)).WillOnce(
                       Return(make_pair(fixedValue, <PARAMETER PASSED TO F>));

CodePudding user response:

Your way is right, you deanonymize the value in the third parameter. In my opinion using a lambda or a custom actions is the more preferable way. A stored lambda or an action can be reused in other expectations.

EXPECT_CALL(myMock, myFunction(someSpecifiedParameter, _, _))
  .WillOnce(WithArgs<0, 2>([](Type1 Success, Type2 bufferSize) {
    return make_pair(Success, bufferSize);


ACTION_P2(ReturnPair, Success, bufferSize) {
  return make_pair(Success, bufferSize);

EXPECT_CALL(myMock, myFunction(someSpecifiedParameter, _, _))
  .WillOnce(WithArgs<0, 2>(ReturnPair));

More specialized thus less preferable

EXPECT_CALL(myMock, myFunction(someSpecifiedParameter, _, _))
  .WillOnce(WithArg<2>([](Type2 bufferSize) {
    return make_pair(someSpecifiedParameter, bufferSize);


ACTION_P(ReturnPair, bufferSize) {
  return make_pair(someSpecifiedParameter, bufferSize);

EXPECT_CALL(myMock, myFunction(someSpecifiedParameter, _, _))
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