I have "many to many" relationship table. After fetching I'm trying sending result to a client but keep getting "TypeError: Object of type Row is not JSON serializable".
I'm able to my response to see how data is in a list.
But when I put it in return I get "TypeError: Object of type Row is not JSON serializable" error.
Here is my code:
@router.get("/{release_name}", response_model=int)
async def build_names_by_release(release_name: str, db: Session = Depends(get_database_session)):
result = db.query(ReleaseNames, BuildNames).limit(50).all()
// need here code to serialize it
return JSONResponse(content=result)
What I think is we need to do ->
[({Row object}, {Row object}),({Row object}, {Row object})...({Row object}, {Row object})] ->
[({JSON serialize object}, {JSON serialize object}), ({JSON serialize object}, {JSON serialize object})...({JSON serialize object}, {JSON serialize object})]
CodePudding user response:
this problem is about your response_model=int you can remove it or pass schema model to response model