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vue-advanced-cropper image croped sized is bigger than the original


I'm implementing a system where user choose image, he must crop it before save; i'm using vue-advance-cropper plugin; all system is setted up but the result image sized is bigger than the original;

example: i insert image at 307ko i got 448ko; i insert image at 40ko i got 206ko;

is there any option that i missed to make the result lesser size than the original or is there not anything can be done?

CodePudding user response:


I suppose that the described problem has nothing common with the used library.

The most common reason that a cropped image size is larger than an original image size in the difference between a cropped image format and an original image format.

To clarify it. If you upload a jpeg image, crop it and get it from the cropper canvas by toBlob method, you will get a png image by default, so it's obviously will be larger than an original image in the most of cases.

That's because toBlob creates a completely new image from the canvas and it know nothing about original image properties. So you can't create the exact copy of the original image, including its size, by the nature of this approach.

The good news is that you can get closer to an original image.

The toBlob method has the following signature:

toBlob(callback, type)
toBlob(callback, type, quality)

So, you can set the same type and the reasonable value of an image quality.


There is the image uploading example in the vue-advanced-cropper documentation. I will show the full version of it bellow:

import { Cropper } from 'vue-advanced-cropper'

// This function is used to detect the actual image type, 
function getMimeType(file, fallback = null) {
    const byteArray = (new Uint8Array(file)).subarray(0, 4);
    let header = '';
    for (let i = 0; i < byteArray.length; i  ) {
       header  = byteArray[i].toString(16);
    switch (header) {
        case "89504e47":
            return "image/png";
        case "47494638":
            return "image/gif";
        case "ffd8ffe0":
        case "ffd8ffe1":
        case "ffd8ffe2":
        case "ffd8ffe3":
        case "ffd8ffe8":
            return "image/jpeg";
            return fallback;

export default {
    components: {
    data() {
        return {
            image: {
                src: null,
                type: null
    methods: {
        crop() {
            const { canvas } = this.$refs.cropper.getResult();
            canvas.toBlob((blob) => {
                // Do something with blob: upload to a server, download and etc.
            }, this.image.type);
        reset() {
            this.image = {
                src: null,
                type: null
        loadImage(event) {
            // Reference to the DOM input element
            const { files } = event.target;
            // Ensure that you have a file before attempting to read it
            if (files && files[0]) {
                // 1. Revoke the object URL, to allow the garbage collector to destroy the uploaded before file
                if (this.image.src) {
                // 2. Create the blob link to the file to optimize performance:
                const blob = URL.createObjectURL(files[0]);
                // 3. The steps below are designated to determine a file mime type to use it during the 
                // getting of a cropped image from the canvas. You can replace it them by the following string, 
                // but the type will be derived from the extension and it can lead to an incorrect result:
                // this.image = {
                //    src: blob;
                //    type: files[0].type
                // }
                // Create a new FileReader to read this image binary data
                const reader = new FileReader();
                // Define a callback function to run, when FileReader finishes its job
                reader.onload = (e) => {
                    // Note: arrow function used here, so that "this.image" refers to the image of Vue component
                    this.image = {
                        // Set the image source (it will look like blob:http://example.com/2c5270a5-18b5-406e-a4fb-07427f5e7b94)
                        src: blob,
                        // Determine the image type to preserve it during the extracting the image from canvas:
                        type: getMimeType(e.target.result, files[0].type),
                // Start the reader job - read file as a data url (base64 format)
    destroyed() {
        // Revoke the object URL, to allow the garbage collector to destroy the uploaded before file
        if (this.image.src) {

This example will help you make the cropper result size pretty close to the original image size. You can test it online in the sandbox with the lighter version of the code above.

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