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Get data of all tables in database


I'm using mysql version 5.7, it has around 2000 tables, each of tables has columns gmt_modified as mandatory.
So now i want to build a report to see how much data in each time range, eg: 3-6-9-12 months.
what i'm about to do is base on gmt_modified (timestamp) to do that.
I just wonder mysql support the way to build that report or not
or anybody know how can we select gmt_modified of all tables in a schema?
We can list columns in all tables by this way:

select * 
  from information_schema.columns 
 where table_schema = 'your_DB_name' 
   and table_name = 'Your_tablename'

but how to select data of column as well?

CodePudding user response:

You can write an SQL that writes an SQL, and then copy the SQL into the query window and execute it

  select CONCAT('
    SELECT ''', table_name, ''', (YEAR(CURDATE())*12   MONTH(CURDATE()) - (YEAR(gmt_modified)*12   MONTH(gmt_modified)))/3 as period, COUNT(*) as ctr 
    FROM ', table_name, ' 
    WHERE gmt_modified > DATE_ADD(curdate(), INTERVAL Year -1) 
    GROUP BY period UNION ALL'

  from information_schema.columns 
  where column_name = 'gmt_modified'

This will essentially write 2000 queries (or however many tables have a gmt_modified column) as a query result that you can then copy into another query window, remove the trailing UNION ALL that is causing a syntax error, and then run it. It might take a long time..

Note, I've picked on a relatively naive way of calculating a month diff: months are difficult because they vary in length. Perhaps a 30/60/90 days etc would suit better, do a period diff on hours and divide by 24 then 30

CodePudding user response:

To approach this problem, you first need to generate main text of your query from a query-building-query... something like this:

select concat('  select gmt_modified FROM ',table_name,' UNION ALL')
from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'your_DB_name';

This will give you output something like:

select gmt_modified FROM table1 UNION ALL
select gmt_modified FROM table2 UNION ALL
select gmt_modified FROM table3 UNION ALL
select gmt_modified FROM table4 UNION ALL
select gmt_modified FROM table5 UNION ALL
select gmt_modified FROM table6 UNION ALL
select gmt_modified FROM table7 UNION ALL

Remove the last words UNION ALL from last line. Then you wrap it with the aggregation query. like this

select count(gmt_modified) as record_count FROM (
    select gmt_modified FROM table1 UNION ALL
    select gmt_modified FROM table2 UNION ALL
    select gmt_modified FROM table3 UNION ALL
    select gmt_modified FROM table4 UNION ALL
    select gmt_modified FROM table5 UNION ALL
    select gmt_modified FROM table6 UNION ALL
    select gmt_modified FROM table7
) details
GROUP BY QUARTER(gmt_modified);

So basically, you'll need to regenerate the main text, each time you remove/add a table to the db.

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