I want to generate a JWE with
- the content encrypted with A256GM
- The encryption key encrypted with RSA-OAEP
As far as I've understood, what I want the following JWE header fields like this:
So, I've generated a key:
const props = {
kid: 'gBdaS-G8RLax2qgObTD94w',
alg: 'RSA-OAEP',
use: 'enc',
enc: 'A256GCM',
keyStore.generate('oct', 256, props).then(function (result) {
// generate a RSA public/private key too
// write the keys
and then I encrypted/decrypted my content:
const encrypted = await JWE.createEncrypt(
keyStore.get(process.env.JWE_KID ?? '')
const decryptedContent = await JWE.createDecrypt(
keyStore.get(process.env.JWE_KID ?? '')
).decrypt(contentToDecrypt ?? '{}');
It works, but when I look at the decrypted header, this happens:
{ enc: 'A256GCM', alg: 'dir', kid: 'gBdaS-G8RLax2qgObTD94w' }
the alg
is dir
. I guess I'm not generating the key(s) properly, or I miss some information I must set when encrypting. How can I get an encrypted content with the AES' generated encryption key encrypted with RSA-OAEP
CodePudding user response:
For key generation, not oct
but RSA
must be used for kty (oct
applies to symmetric keys), s. here and here.
In addition, A256GCM
can be chosen using contentAlg
The following example generates an RSA key and shows an encryption and decryption with RSA-OAEP and A256GCM:
var jose = require('node-jose');
(async () => {
// Create keystore and RSA keypair
var keystore = jose.JWK.createKeyStore();
var options = {use: 'enc', alg: 'RSA-OAEP', kid: 'bXkgdW5pcXVlIGtleSBraWQ'};
var keyPair = await keystore.generate('RSA', 2048, options);
// Optional: Export as JSON
var publicKeyJSON = keyPair.toJSON();
var privateKeyJSON = keyPair.toJSON(true);
// Import public key from JSON or get key from keystore, encrypt
var publicKey = await jose.JWK.asKey(publicKeyJSON);
//await keystore.add(publicKey); // store key
//var publicKey = keystore.get('bXkgdW5pcXVlIGtleSBraWQ'); // get key via keystore
var payload = JSON.stringify({key1: 'val1', key2: 'val2'});
var options = {compact: true, contentAlg: 'A256GCM'};
var token = await jose.JWE.createEncrypt(options, publicKey).update(payload, 'utf8').final();
// Import private key from JSON or get key from keystore, decrypt
var privateKey = await jose.JWK.asKey(privateKeyJSON);
//var privateKey = keystore.get('bXkgdW5pcXVlIGtleSBraWQ'); // get key via keystore
var payload = await jose.JWE.createDecrypt(privateKey).decrypt(token);
The base64url decoding of the token header gives:
"enc": "A256GCM",
"alg": "RSA-OAEP",
"kid": "bXkgdW5pcXVlIGtleSBnaWQ"
as required.
CodePudding user response:
You can build an application from ibm cloud & transfer the code there & found errors resolved or you can install some tools from TERMINAL to resolve the issues
php artisan key:generate