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Creating multiple rows in a SQL table from a source table that has summarised data


I have a table t_times that looks like this

start_time End_time Number_of_slots Slot_Duration
08:00 09:00 6 10
09:00 09:30 1 30

I need to create a table using the values in the t_times to create t_slots

start_time End_time Duration
08:00 08:10 10
08:10 08:20 10
08:20 08:30 10
08:30 08:40 10
08:40 08:50 10
08:50 09:00 10
09:00 09:30 30

In essence for every value specified in the number_of_slots field I need to:

  • Create a new row in the target table
  • Add the corresponding time slot (start and end) using the duration taking into account the slot_duration field's value. I.e. for a value of 6 I need to add 6 rows with ten minute increments each that uses start_time as the starting value

I can do it with a cursor but it seems a very roundabout way of doing this. Can someone please point me in the SQL direction? Thanks!!!

CodePudding user response:

So the main idea here is to use classic approach with number table. It is quite common to have such table as a persistent one, so the one won't need to generate it on run time. It's a common tool for analytical stuff as yours. Second is JOIN it with the source one on the right predicate.

use tempdb

drop table if exists src

create table src (
    start_time  time
    ,End_time   time
    ,Number_of_slots int    
    ,Slot_Duration int

insert into src values
('08:00',   '09:00',    6,  10)
,('09:00',  '09:30',    1,  30)

;with nums as (
    select row_number() over(order by (select null)) as n
    from sys.all_columns

select start_time, dateadd(MINUTE, n*Slot_Duration, start_time) as end_time
    , Slot_Duration as Duration
from src 
join nums on src.Number_of_slots >= nums.n
order by start_time, end_time
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