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Http POST on rest controller returns nothing Springboot


I want to make a simple HTTP POST request using REST API in Springboot.

HTTP GET have been already implemented and they work fine, I'm following this link but I got stuck on POST method.

I think RestController is right, but I have some doubts about the request that I'm sending to Springboot using terminal.

First of all, this is the model that I want to save on db (Postgres) using POST method, it's called NFT :

public class NFT {
    public NFT(Long new_user_id) {
    public NFT() {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Long id;
    private Long user_id;
    public String title;
    public String image;
    public float price;

    public String description;

This class has 2 constructors, one using User_ID and the other is just an empty default constructor so I can make empty post request because ID will be autogenerated.

This is my rest class :

public class NFTRestController {
    private NFTService service;
    //curl GET   example
    public Optional<NFT> getNFTbyID(@PathVariable int nft_id) {
        return service.getSingleNFTbyId((long) nft_id);
    //curl GET
    public List<NFT> getAllNFTsFromPerson(@PathVariable int persona_id) {
        return service.getAllNFTsFromPerson((long) persona_id);
    public void saveNFT(@RequestBody  NFT nft) {
    public void saveAllNFTs(List<NFT> nfts) {
        return ;

N.B. : service.saveNewNFT(nft) just calls save() method of CrudRepository interface.

GET requests work so I think that at least the first half of this class is correct, for example writing on terminal :

curl GET 

Returns correctly :


But If I try to make an empty POST request :

curl POST -d '{}'

I expect a json as response from db, instead nothing is printed on screen.

EDIT : Edited two functions :

    public NFT saveNewNFT(@RequestBody NFT nft) {   
        return nr.save(nft);

And :

    public NFT saveNFT(@RequestBody  NFT nft) {
        return service.saveNewNFT(nft) ;

Still testing with : curl -X POST -H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '{}' the result is the same, nothing changed.

CodePudding user response:

The method you've mapped to that call, saveNFT, has a return type of void. Therefore, nothing (void) is returned in the response body.

Once you return the saved NFT, that will become the response body.

  1. Update NFTService#saveNewNFT(NFT) to return the result of CrudRepository#save(NFT) -- this will return the persisted instance of the NFT (you might already be doing this)
  2. Update NFTRestController#saveNFT(NFT) to return the result of service.saveNewNFT(nft) -- this will make the saved NFT the response body of your endpoint

CodePudding user response:

Solved, the problem was inside security configuration class, I forgot to provide permissions for both GET and POST operations on "/restNFT/**" path :

public class AuthConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
    ...//some code
    .antMatchers(HttpMethod.GET, "/","/restNFT/**").permitAll()
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