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filter pandas DataFrame column list with other list


Input DataFrame :

data = { "id" : ['[1,2]','[2,4]','[4,3]'],
             "name" : ['a','b','c'] }
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

filterstr = [1,2]

Expected Output:

id     name
[1,2]   a      
[2,4]   b

Tried Code : df1 = df[df.id.map(lambda x: np.isin(np.array(x), [[ str([i]) for i in filter]]).all())]

This works for single value in id column but not for two values like '[1,2]' Not sure where i am going wrong.

CodePudding user response:

Ok, well, let's do this :)

Creating DF:

data = { "id" : [[1,2],[2,4],[4,3]], #REMOVE STRING AROUND []!!!
         "name" : ['a','b','c'] }
df = pd.DataFrame(data)


index id name
0 1,2 a
1 2,4 b
2 4,3 c

Then let's create a variable which will be our "boolean" filter:

reg = [1,2]
filter = df.id.apply(lambda x: any(i for i in x if i in reg))

Intermediate result:

0     True
1     True
2    False
Name: id, dtype: bool

Then select only "True" values:

df = df[filter]

Final result:

index id name
0 1,2 a
1 2,4 b

Please accept ✅ this answer if it solved your problem :)

Otherwise mention me (using @) in comment while telling me what's wrong ;)

CodePudding user response:

Taking exactly what you've given:

data = { "id" : ['[1,2]','[2,4]','[4,3]'],
             "name" : ['a','b','c'] }
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

filterstr = [1,2]

I do:

df['id'] = df['id'].apply(eval) # Convert from string to list.
output = df[df.id.map(lambda id: any(x for x in id if x in filterstr))]


       id name
0  [1, 2]    a
1  [2, 4]    b
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