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Select rows from Spark DataFrame based on a condition


I have two Spark dataframes:

 --- ---- 
| id| var|  
 --- ---- 
|323| [a]|
 --- ---- 

 ---- ---------- ---------- 
| src| str_value| num_value| 
 ---- ---------- ---------- 
| [a]|     ghn12|      0.0 |
 ---- ---------- ---------- 
| [a]|     54fdg|      1.2 |
 ---- ---------- ---------- 
| [a]|     90okl|      0.7 |
 ---- ---------- ---------- 
| [b]|     jh456|      0.5 |
 ---- ---------- ---------- 
| [a]|     ghn12|      0.2 |
 ---- ---------- ---------- 
| [c]|     ghn12|      0.7 |
 ---- ---------- ---------- 

I need to return top 3 rows from df2 dataframe where df1.var == df2.src and df2.num_value has the smallest value. So, desired output is (sorted by num_value):

 ---- ---------- ---------- 
| src| str_value| num_value| 
 ---- ---------- ---------- 
| [a]|     ghn12|      0.0 |
 ---- ---------- ---------- 
| [a]|     ghn12|      0.2 |
 ---- ---------- ---------- 
| [a]|     90okl|      0.7 |
 ---- ---------- ---------- 

I know how to implement this using SQL, but I have some difficulties with PySpark/Spark SQL.

CodePudding user response:

I would do it using dense_rank window function.

from pyspark.sql import functions as F, Window as W

w = W.partitionBy('src').orderBy('num_value')
df3 = (
    .join(df1, df2.src == df1.var, 'semi')
    .withColumn('_rank', F.dense_rank().over(w))
    .filter('_rank <= 3')

CodePudding user response:

from pyspark.sql.window import Window
from pyspark.sql.functions import row_number, col

windowSpec  = Window.partitionBy("src").orderBy("num_value")

df_joined = df1.join(df2,df1.var==df2.src).drop("var", "id")

#  --- --------- --------- 
# |src|str_value|num_value|
#  --- --------- --------- 
# |[a]|    ghn12|      0.0|
# |[a]|    ghn12|      0.2|
# |[a]|    90okl|      0.7|
#  --- --------- --------- 

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