Home > OS >  How to flip the UIView which is inside Tableview if older data is not matched with new data in swift
How to flip the UIView which is inside Tableview if older data is not matched with new data in swift


I want flip UIView which is inside tableview if older data is not matched with new data.The UIView is flipping but issue I have 3 or more rows than it flipping continuously. I have written the code for replacing a new data with old data but didn't getting where I'm doing wrong.

for example :

In below image blue color UIView is called as back and in red color UIView is called as lay.These two values back and lay is refreshing at every second. In cell for row at I have compared new back with old back but is getting flipped continuously.


struct SMatchOddsData{
    var mktId:String
    var runnerName:String
    var back: Double
    var lay: Double
    init(mktId: String, runnerName:String, back: Double, lay: Double) {
        self.mktId = mktId
        self.runnerName = runnerName
        self.back = back
        self.lay = lay

class smtchOddsData {
    var mtchoddsdatas:[SMatchOddsData] = []
    public static let sharedInstance = smtchOddsData()
    private init() {
        self.mtchoddsdatas = []
    public func add(mktId: String, runnerName:String, back: Double, lay: Double) throws {
        mtchoddsdatas.append(SoccerMatchOddsData(mktId: mktId, runnerName:runnerName, back: back, lay: lay))
    public func ReplaceAtIndex(Index:Int, mktId: String, runnerName:String, back: Double, lay: Double) throws {
        mtchoddsdatas[Index] = SoccerMatchOddsData(mktId: mktId, runnerName:runnerName, back: back, lay: lay)

Array and Timer

var timer = Timer()
var mainArray = smtchOddsData.sharedInstance

In viewDidLoad

timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1.0, target: self, selector: #selector(LiveViewController.refreshData), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)

MarketList Function

In this api getting market id

func MarketList()
        let params = [String : AnyObject]()
        APIClient<MarketList>().API_GET(Url: strUrl, Params: params, Authentication: false, Progress: false, Alert: true, Offline: false, SuperVC: self, completionSuccess: { (resultdata) in
            for response in resultdata
               self.OddsInplay(marketId: response.marketID)
        { (error) in

OddInplay Function

In this function im getting all data which I want to display in tableview.

func OddsInplay(marketId:String)
        let params = [String : AnyObject]()
        APIClient<OddInplay>().API_GET(Url: strUrl, Params: params, Authentication: false, Progress: false, Alert: true, Offline: false, SuperVC: self, completionSuccess: { (resultdata) in
            for i in resultdata.first?.runners ?? []
                try? self.mainArray.add(mktId: marketId, runnerName: i.runnerName ?? "", back: i.exchangePrices?.availableToBack?.first?.price ?? 0.0, lay: i.exchangePrices?.availableToLay?.first?.price ?? 0.0)
            self.isStarted1 = self.isStarted1   1
        { (error) in

ReplaceOddInplay Function

In this function im replacing old data with new data

func ReplaceOddsInplay(marketId:String)
        let params = [String : AnyObject]()
        APIClient<OddInplay>().API_GET(Url: strUrl, Params: params, Authentication: false, Progress: false, Alert: true, Offline: false, SuperVC: self, completionSuccess: { (resultdata) in
            for i in resultdata.first?.runners ?? []
                var isMatched = false
                var index = 0
                for j in self.mainArray.mtchoddsdatas
                    if j.runnerName == i.runnerName
                        isMatched = true
                    index = index   1;
                if isMatched == true {
                    try? self.mainArray.ReplaceAtIndex(Index: index, mktId: marketId, runnerName: i.runnerName ?? "", back: i.exchangePrices?.availableToBack?[0].price ?? 0.0, lay: i.exchangePrices?.availableToLay?[0].price ?? 0.0)
        { (error) in


    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
      return mainArray.mtchoddsdatas.count

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
            let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "matchOddsCell", for: indexPath) as! SoccerMatchOddTableViewCell
            let obj = mainArray.mtchoddsdatas[indexPath.row]
            cell.runnerName.text = obj.runnerName
            let newback = String(obj.back)
                if newback == "0.0"
                    cell.backLabel.text = "-"
                    if isStarted1 > 1 && (cell.backLabel.text ?? "" != newback)
                        UIView.transition(with: cell.backView, duration: 1.0, options: [.transitionFlipFromLeft], animations: nil, completion: nil)
                    cell.backLabel.text = newback
                let newlay = String(obj.lay)
                if newlay == "0.0"
                    cell.layLabel.text = "-"
                    if isStarted1 > 1 && (cell.layLabel.text ?? "" != newlay)
                        UIView.transition(with: cell.layView, duration: 1.0, options: [.transitionFlipFromLeft], animations: nil, completion: nil)
                    cell.layLabel.text = "\(newlay)"
            return cell

I want to flip UIView if old back is not equal to newback and if oldlay is not equal to newlay.Can someone helpme with this.

My Output

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

Okay, so my theory is:

cell.layLabel.text ?? "" will always return "" when you call reloadData(). Hence it will always be different than newBack/ newLay.

What you need to do is keep track of your oldLay/ oldBack and check those instead of cell.layLabel.text. Either in an array in the class or new variables in your model.

Try this:

  1. Add 2 variables to your class: var oldLays = [String]() & var oldBacks = [String]().

  2. Replace your cellForRow with:

    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
         let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "matchOddsCell", for: indexPath) as! SoccerMatchOddTableViewCell
         let oldLay = oldLays.count > indexPath.row ? oldLays[indexPath.row]: ""
          let oldBack = oldBacks.count > indexPath.row ? oldBacks[indexPath.row]: ""
         let obj = mainArray.mtchoddsdatas[indexPath.row]
         cell.runnerName.text = obj.runnerName
         let newback = String(obj.back)
         if newback == "0.0"
             cell.backLabel.text = "-"
             if isStarted1 > 1 && (oldBack != newback)
                 UIView.transition(with: cell.backView, duration: 1.0, options: [.transitionFlipFromLeft], animations: nil, completion: nil)
             cell.backLabel.text = newback
         let newlay = String(obj.lay)
         if newlay == "0.0"
             cell.layLabel.text = "-"
             if isStarted1 > 1 && (oldLay != newlay)
                 UIView.transition(with: cell.layView, duration: 1.0, options: [.transitionFlipFromLeft], animations: nil, completion: nil)
             cell.layLabel.text = "\(newlay)"
         if oldLays.count <= indexPath.row {
         }else {
            oldLays[indexPath.row] = "\(obj.lay)"
         if oldBacks.count <= indexpath.row {
         }else {
             oldBacks[indexPath.row] = "\(obj.back)"
         return cell
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