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How to expand a dataframe with a tree structure


I have a data frame, which has an embedded tree structure inside it, like this:


     Category  Type    Dependent-Category
 0    1         ~       A
 1    1         ~       B
 2    1         ~       C
 3    1         ~       14
 4    1         ~       D
 5    1         P       NaN       
 6    A         ~       C
 7    A         ~       D
 8    A         ~       3
 9    A         P       NaN
 10   B         ~       D
 11   B         ~       C
 12   B         ~       12
 13   B         P       NaN
 14   C         ~       D
 15   C         ~       9
 16   C         P       NaN
 17   D         ~       12
 18   D         ~       3
 19   D         ~       8
 20   D         P       NaN

Category D rows are only made out of numerical categories, which is defined as.

D         ~       12
D         ~       3
D         ~       8
D         P       NaN

Category C rows are made out of a numerical Category and the previous Category D, which is defined as:

C         ~       D
C         ~       9
C         P       NaN

Category B are made out of a numerical Category and the previous 2 Categories D and C, which is defined as:

B         ~       D
B         ~       C
B         ~       12
B         P       NaN

Category A are made out of a numerical Category and the previous 2 Categories C and D, which is defined as:

A         ~       C
A         ~       D
A         ~       3
A         P       NaN

Category 1 are made out of a numerical Category and the previous 4 Categories A,B,C and D, which is defined as: 1 ~ A 1 ~ B 1 ~ C 1 ~ 14 1 ~ D 1 P NaN

The aim is to get a final dataframe which has is a total concatenation of all the Categories - for example, when Category A is mentioned in the Dependent-Category column in df1, I need to replace that entire row with Category A.

The aim is to make the Dependent-Category column only consist of numbers (and NaNs):

CodePudding user response:

Possible solution can be to separate out different categories as dataframes and then merge them sequentially with original dataframe then apply conditional formatting.

Here is my solution doing the same:

d = {
    "Category": [1, 1, 1, 1, "A", "A", "A", "B", "B"],
    "Type": ["~", "~", "~", "P", "~", "~", "P", "~", "P"],
    "D_C": ["B", "A", 14, "missing", 4, "B", "missing", 12, "missing"],

df = pd.DataFrame(d)

df_A = df.loc[df.Category == "A"]
df_B = df.loc[df.Category == "B"]

df1 = df.merge(df_A, left_on=df.D_C, right_on=df_A.Category, how="outer")

df1_A = pd.DataFrame()

df1_A["Category"] = np.where(
    df1.D_C_x == df1.Category_y, df1.Category_y, df1.Category_x
df1_A["Type"] = np.where(df1.D_C_x == df1.Category_y, df1.Type_y, df1.Type_x)
df1_A["D_C"] = np.where(df1.D_C_x == df1.Category_y, df1.D_C_y, df1.D_C_x)

df2 = df1_A.merge(df_B, left_on=df1_A.D_C, right_on=df_B.Category, how="outer")

df_final = pd.DataFrame()

df_final["Category"] = np.where(
    df2.D_C_x == df2.Category_y, df2.Category_y, df2.Category_x
df_final["Type"] = np.where(df2.D_C_x == df2.Category_y, df2.Type_y, df2.Type_x)
df_final["D_C"] = np.where(df2.D_C_x == df2.Category_y, df2.D_C_y, df2.D_C_x)



Let me know if you have questions around it.

CodePudding user response:

I would approach this using graph theory.

The advantage is that you do not need to worry about the depth of the mappings (e.g., B->A->C->D would be tricky, even worse if you have circular paths).

You have the following directed graph:

enter image description here

You can use networkx to generate your graph from the part of your DataFrame that has a dependent category, and to map the childrens automatically:

import networkx as nx

# split the DataFrame in twao parts
# df1 will contain the rows with a dependent category
# df2 will contain the rows with the values
# using here a regex to identify letter but any other logic can be used
m = df['Dependent-Category'].str.match('[a-zA-Z] ').fillna(False)

df1 = df[m]
df2 = df[~m]

# generating the graph
G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(df1, create_using=nx.DiGraph,
                            source='Dependent-Category', target='Category')

# keep only nodes with children
nodes = set(filter(G.out_degree, G.nodes))
# {'A', 'B'}

# mapping nodes to children and self
d = {n: (nx.descendants(G, n)&nodes)|{n} for n in nodes}
# {'A': {'A'}, 'B': {'A', 'B'}}

# replacing the values in the DataFrame 
df3 = (df1['Dependent-Category']

# merging the above df3 to df2
out = pd.concat([df2, df3]).sort_index(kind='stable')


  Category Type Dependent-Category
0        A    ~                  4
0        A    P                NaN
0        B    ~                 12
0        B    P                NaN
1        A    ~                  4
1        A    P                NaN
2        1    ~                 14
3        1    P                NaN
4        A    ~                  4
5        A    ~                  4
5        A    P                NaN
5        B    ~                 12
5        B    P                NaN
6        A    P                NaN
7        B    ~                 12
8        B    P                NaN
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