The way I'm uploading the image is the following:
$file = $request->featured_image;
$filename = time().'.'.$request->featured_image->extension();
$file->storeAs('images/', $filename, 's3');
$course = Course::create([
'featured_image' => $filename,
The problem is when I tried to get it with blade:
<img src="{{Storage::disk('s3')->url($course->featured_image)}}" alt="course">
When I try to access the URL, I get something like
<Message>Access Denied</Message>
For the permissions of AWS, I gave full access to S3. So I'm not sure why is this happening. The file DOES get saved.
CodePudding user response:
It's probably because you have a private bucket, you can issue temporary URLs really easily though to get around this. (or open up the permissions on your bucket)
Storage::disk('s3')->temporaryUrl($image, now()->addMinutes(30))
Bucket privacy selection ->
CodePudding user response:
When saving the image to S3 replace the following line
$file->storeAs('images/', $filename, 's3');
$file->storePublicly('images/', $filename, 's3');
also it looks like you are saving the image to images/filename.jpg
however when attempting to retrieve, you're only passing the filename, try the below line and let me know how you go