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How to union Invoice data and Reconcile data that is not link directly


Invoice table

DocEntry ObjType Amount
11 13 200

Reconcile table

ReconNo Line SrcObjType SrcObjEntry Amount
1 1 24 15 150
1 2 13 11 150

Link: Invoice.ObjType = Reconcile.SrcObjType and Invoice.DocEntry = Reconcile.SrcObjEntry

Expected result:

DocEntry ObjType Amount
11 13 200
15 24 150

I am trying to union the reconcile line that is not link directly to invoice but it is in the same ReconNo with reconciled invoice line. Is this possible in SQL?

Thanks for your help

CodePudding user response:

Maybe this will get you there?

with Invoice  (DocEntry,    ObjType,    Amount) as(
select 11,  13, 200 
Reconcile  (ReconNo,Line,SrcObjType,SrcObjEntry,Amount) as(
select 1,1,24,15,150  union all
select 1,2,13,11,150 
connection as (
select DocEntry,ReconNo
from Invoice as i
join Reconcile as r on i.DocEntry=r.SrcObjEntry
select * from Invoice union all
select SrcObjEntry as DocEntry, SrcObjType as ObjType,Amount
from connection c
join Reconcile r on r.ReconNo = c.ReconNo
where r.SrcObjEntry not in (select DocEntry from invoice)
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