Home > OS >  How do I use RegEx to find parens that contain BOTH numbers and letters, not just one or the other
How do I use RegEx to find parens that contain BOTH numbers and letters, not just one or the other


In this example...

(5) (dogs)  (5 dogs)  (dogs 5)

I would like to only match to...

(5 dogs)  -or-  (dogs 5)

The numbers could be any number of digits, contain commas, decimal points, math operators, dollar signs, etc. The only thing I need to pay attention to is that there are both numbers and alpha characters present.

I started with this modification of an example provided by hrs using this for the RegEx...


to only capture this...

(number letter)  -or-  (letter number)

but not...

(number) (letter)

by modifying the expression to be...


...but obviously I don't know what I'm doing.

CodePudding user response:

You can use forward lookaheads to assert that there are both a number and a letter within each set of parentheses:

\((?=[^)]*\d)(?=[^)]*[a-z])[^)] \)

The two lookaheads assert that there are some number of non-closing parenthesis characters and then a digit (first lookahead (?=[^)]*\d)) or a letter (second lookahead (?=[^)]*[a-z])). The [^)] then matches the characters between the ( and ).

Demo on regex101

In Javascript:

const str = '(5) (dogs)  (5 dogs)  (dogs 5)'
const regex = /\((?=[^)]*\d)(?=[^)]*[a-z])[^)] \)/ig


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