Home > OS >  [consultation] reboot system in the process of service call OpenProcessToken 5 ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED r
[consultation] reboot system in the process of service call OpenProcessToken 5 ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED r


This problem not will now, I am now in the program since the launch of a service process with system, after the start I use OpenProcessToken function (GetCurrentProcess (), TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, & amp; Token hToken) for the current process, but there will be a return error 5, just restart the service, don't know where is wrong, when I create a service again and respond to all the access permissions are checked the online at https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsdesktop/en-US/828d73c9-dfb7-4ff2-ad00-1aaf66ec8b79/openprocesstoken-failing-error-5-access-denied? Forum=windowssdk system restart permissions change, don't know what a great god know this, consult!
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