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How to make a huge loop for checking condition in dataframe run faster in mac


I need to calculate a huge table value (157954 rows and 365 columns) by checking three conditions in a dataframe with 11 mil rows. Do you have any way to speed up the calculation, which is taking more than 10 hours now?

I have 367 stations in total.

for station in stations:
    no_pickup_array = []
    for time_point in data_matrix['Timestamp']:
        time_point_2 = time_point   timedelta(minutes=15)
        no_pickup = len(dataframe[(time_point <= dataframe["departure"]) & (dataframe["departure"] < time_point_2) 
                        & (dataframe['departure_name'] == station)])
    print(f"Station name: {station}")
    data_matrix[station] = no_pickup_array

I appreciate any of your help.

CodePudding user response:

The main problem is the right-hand-side of the no_pickup assignment expression which is algorithmically inefficient because it makes a linear search while a logarithmic search is possible.

The first thing to do is to do a groupby of dataframe so to build an index enabling to fetch the dataframe subset having a given name. Then, you can sort each dataframe subset by departure so to be able to perform a binary search enabling you to know the number of item fitting the condition.

The index can be built with something like:

index = {name: df for name, df.sort_values('departure')['departure'].to_numpy() in dataframe.groupby('departure_name')}

Finally, you can do the binary search with two np.searchsorted on index[station]: one to know the starting index and one to know the ending index. You can get the length with a simple subtraction of the two.

Note that you may need some tweak since I am not sure the above code will works on your dataset but it is hard to know without an example of code generating the inputs.

CodePudding user response:

You're indexing the dataframe list with a boolean (which will be zero or one, so you're only ever going to get the length of the first or second element) instead of a number. It's going to get evaluated like so:

len(dataframe[(time_point <= dataframe["departure"]) & (dataframe["departure"] < time_point_2) & (dataframe['departure_name'] == station)])
len(dataframe[True & False & True]) # let's just say the variables work out like this

This probably isn't the behavior you're after. (let me know what you're trying to do in a comment and I'll try to help out more.)

In terms of code speed specifically, & is bitwise "AND", in python the boolean operators are written out as and, or, and not. Using and here would speed up your code, since python only evaluates parts of boolean expressions where they're needed, e.g.

from time import sleep
def slow_function():
    return False

# This line doesn't take 3 seconds to run as you may expect.
# Python sees "False and" and is smart enough to realize that whatever comes after is irrelevant. 
# No matter what comes after "False and", it's never going to make the first half True.
# So, python doesn't bother evaluating it, and saves 3 seconds in the process.
False and slow_function()

# Some more examples that show python doesn't evaluate the right half unless it needs to
False and print("hi")
False and asdfasdfasdf
False and 42/0

# The same does not happen here. These are bitwise operators, expected to be applied to numbers.
# While it does produce the correct result for boolean inputs, it's going to be slower,
# since it can't rely on the same optimization.
False & slow_function()

# Of course, both of these still take 3 seconds, since the right half has to be evaluated either way.
True and slow_function()
True & slow_function()
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