I wrote a 16 bit print function using BIOS ints but it infinitely printed the same gibberish so i went into the Bochs debugger and went through each instruction in my function and noticed that the instruction mov dl,[bx]
that i had written got replaced by mov dl,ds:[edi]
, machine code 67 8A 17
I'm aware that the ds segment selector being added is normal but why did bx
get replaced with di
Here is the full code for the print_str
;BX = ptr to null terminaetd string
mov dl,[bx]
test dl,dl
jz print_str_return
mov ah,0x0E
mov al,dl
int 0x10
inc bx
jmp next_char
This only happens when I call the function; if I copy the function's body to where the call
instruction should be, the assembler does not replace bx
with edi
. I'm very confused by this.
The code for boot.asm looks like this:
[extern kernel_entry]
[bits 16]
mov [BOOT_DRIVE], dl
mov ax,0
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov ss,ax
;Set up a temporary stack (~65kB)
mov ax,0xFFFF
mov sp,ax
mov bp,sp
mov bx,msg
call print_str
%include "printer.asm"
msg: db "test string",0
Here is what the instruction looks like according to the bochs debugger.
holds a gibberish value while bx
holds the real address of the string but the assembler decided to replace bx
with edi
CodePudding user response:
I solved the issue.
The [bits 32]
directive was the culprit. The assembler was apparently encoding my print_str
function as 32 bit instructions (because all my includes are at the end of the file and the directive is right above them). All i did to fix this is re-add the [bits 16]
directive before my includes but after the 32 bit protected mode code. Here is the code:
cli ;Disable interrupts
lgdt [gdtr_data] ;Load the GDT
;Set first bit (protected mode enable) in control register 0
mov eax,cr0
or eax,0x1
mov cr0,eax
jmp CODE_SEGMENT:post_flush
;-----------------------------------------------32 bit Protected mode-----------------------------------------------
[bits 32]
;Set up a new kernel stack (~630 kB)
mov eax,0x9FC00
mov ebp,eax
mov esp,ebp
call kernel_entry ;Jump to kernel, 'void kernel_entry()' is defined on src/MKernel/entry.c
jmp $
[bits 16]
%include "printer.asm"
From what the comments have pointed out, it seems like the way x86 encodes the 16 bit instruction mov dl,ds:[bx]
is identical to the way it would encode the 32 bit instruction mov dl,ds:[edi]
which was exactly my problem.