Home > OS >  Which pattern and substitution for Regex.Replace can replace all space present inside <>?
Which pattern and substitution for Regex.Replace can replace all space present inside <>?


I have data in a non-standard format which I am trying to convert to intelligible json.

Format is like

       first_data = <value1@123 value2_456 value3_789>;
       second_data = <<value4_abc_123 value5_ty>>;};

I need in this step:

first_data = <value1@123,value2_456,value3_789>;
second_data = <<value4_abc_123,value5_ty>>;

I tried Regex.Replace(contents, @"(<.*)\ (.*>)", "$1,$2"); but it only works for a single space between <>. \S*(\s)\S* messes up data outside <>. I am not sure why <\S*(\s)\S*> doesn't work. As can be seen, there are a lot more substitutions needed to convert to json so have to be careful not to mess the outsides.

CodePudding user response:

You can use this regex:

@"((?<=<[^>]*)[ ](?=[^>]*>)) "


( - start group

(?<=<[^>]*) - look behind for < followed by zero or more characters not being >

[ ] - match a space

(?=[^>]*>) -look ahead for zero or more characters not being > followed by >

) - repeat this group

Simply replace with ,.


You can secure the matches further, so it requires the hardcoded values before the space, by including them in the look ahead, like this:

@"((?<=<[^>]*(@123|_456|_789|_abc_123|_ty))[ ](?=[^>]*>)) ");
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