I'm using this to successfully (or almost) query multiple columns into 01 based on a criteria. This, however, shows a blank row I can't seem to get rid of.
query({Orders!A:FF}, "select Col144 where Col7 matches '"& P4 &"' and not Col144 contains '#N/A' and not Col144 matches '-' and Col144 is not null");
query({Orders!A:FF}, "select Col151 where Col7 matches '"& P4 &"' and not Col151 contains '#N/A' and not Col151 matches '-' and Col151 is not null");
query({Orders!A:FF}, "select Col162 where Col7 matches '"& P4 &"' and not Col162 contains '#N/A' and not Col162 matches '-' and Col162 is not null")
I've tried filter it in the query criteria set, but it still shows.
This is current result, with always this blank row:
How to accomplish it?
Let me know if this works for you.