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get ranges inside formula


I would like to know if there is a practical way of extracting the cells that are used in a formula in google scripts? For an example: Let's say A1 has a formula as below

=page1!C2*0,8 page2!B29*0,15 page3!C144*0,05

I would like var myCellsrecord the data of

page1!C2 page2!B29 page3!C144

Please let me know how would you make this. Thanks in advance

CodePudding user response:


Here is an sample script that can parse equations as shown into the reference cells.

Note this only works for the specific formula you specified.


function test() {
  try {
    let spread = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
    let sheets = spread.getSheets().map( sheet => sheet.getName() );
    // for this test
    sheets = ["page1","page2","page3"];
    let sheet = spread.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
    let formula = sheet.getRange("A1").getFormula();
    // break into parts
    let parts = formula.split("*");  // but notice this is for specific case of *
    parts.pop() // the last part doesn't contain any cell reference
    let i = 0;
    let results = [];
    parts.forEach( part => {  let j = sheets.findIndex( sheet => part.indexOf(sheet) >= 0 )
                              // remove sheet from range
                              let k = part.split('!')[1];  // this give cell A1 notation
                              results.push(sheets[j] k)
  catch(err) {

Execution log

6:54:44 AM  Notice  Execution started
6:54:46 AM  Info    =page1!C2*0,8 page2!B29*0,15 page3!C144*0,05
6:54:46 AM  Info    [ '=page1!C2', '0,8 page2!B29', '0,15 page3!C144' ]
6:54:46 AM  Info    [ 'page1C2', 'page2B29', 'page3C144' ]
6:54:45 AM  Notice  Execution completed


CodePudding user response:

Use range.getFormula() to get the formula and then use with String.match to get the cells:

const f =
  '=page1!C2:C*0,8 page2!B29*0,15 page3!C144*0,056 sheet1!c:c* Sheet56!D10:D-D5:G10';
const matched = f.match(/(\w !)?[A-Za-z] \d*(:[A-Za-z] \d*)?/g);
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  • (\w !)? - [?optional]Matches one or more word followed by ! for sheet name(eg: page1!)
  • [A-Za-z] \d* - Matches one or more letters [A-Z] followed by zero or more digits \d* for range string(eg: C2)
  • (:[A-Za-z] \d*)? - [optional] another range string match preceded by a :(eg: :C50)
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