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bash: change names of multiple filles


within the workdir I have number of files


I need to rename this files changing the number 1 for each file in order that it could became like:


Could you suggest me some simple solution using bash terminal without possibility to make a script each time and run a loop:

for file in *.pdb
  # some command to change the number e.g. using i conter with mv

CodePudding user response:

list=( mol*.pdb )
while IFS= read -r n; do
  mv "mol$n.pdb" "mol$((n   1)).pdb"
done < <( printf '%s\n' "${list[@]}" | sed 's/mol\(.*\)\.pdb/\1/' | sort -nr )

sort -rn is here to sort the list of numbers in reverse order such that renaming a file never overwrites another.

CodePudding user response:

here you go:

#!/bin/env bash

for file in *.pdb
    mv $file "${file%%[[:digit:]]*}$((${file//[!0-9]/} 1))".pdb;

first pattern remove everything with digits and beyond so we have "file123" becomes "file" now get the file name again and remove the words replacing them with nothing, getting the number, and sum 1, and last we add the extension. Just move one filename to another, and we are done.

CodePudding user response:

Another approach; if there are a lot of files this might be a little faster.

This line was broken:

$: # lst=(file*.xmp); # this is the original assignment that mis-orders the filenames 

Changing it to this one should work, but gains a bit less less over Renaud's solution, which is probably easier for some to read. YMMV.

$:  mapfile -t lst < <( printf "%s\n" file*.xmp | sort -n -k1.5,1 )
$: ndx=${#lst[@]};
$: while [[ -n "${lst[--ndx]}" ]] && ((ndx>=0)); do echo mv "${lst[ndx]}" "newDir/file$((ndx 1)).xmp"; done
mv file9.xmp newDir/file10.xmp
mv file8.xmp newDir/file9.xmp
mv file7.xmp newDir/file8.xmp
mv file6.xmp newDir/file7.xmp
mv file5.xmp newDir/file6.xmp
mv file4.xmp newDir/file5.xmp
mv file3.xmp newDir/file4.xmp
mv file2.xmp newDir/file3.xmp
mv file1.xmp newDir/file2.xmp
mv file0.xmp newDir/file1.xmp

Falls apart if there are any gaps in your initial numbering, though.

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  • bash
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