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The first day of Fighting * 1 learning Linux


Chemistry dog turned the machine, to know the first day of the Linux (memory write, welcome to point out mistakes)

Ls: check all files in directory (not including the hidden files)
Ls -a: check all files in directory (including the hidden files)
- l, h: for more information, better layout
CD: go to the target folder
/root directory
To the user's home directory
. In the current directory
. The superior directory
- two recent directory (in the)
Rm: remove (irreversible)
-f: strong delete
- r: delete article
The folder cp: copy
-i: prompt repeat (y/n)
The operation of folder - r:
Mv: remove
Move - I: prompt repeated
Can be used for file renaming
Folder can also operation (don't need - r
Touch: create a file
-i (? Today forgot to try)
The mkdir: create a directory
- p: recursive create a directory
Tree: a tree display (need to install)
- d: show only the directory
The clear: screen clearing

Some shortcuts:
1. The command -- help/man command
Write left enter b f q spase
2. CTRL + +/- font size adjustment
3. The Tab and TabTab

Btw, fighting series to write * 10086!
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