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How the uboot mode to nand flash to rename the file?


The firmware in the set-top box has a key file is my name, now a infinite restart the TTL can output but not the input, can't use button interrupt uboot, can only insert U disk to run the script file inside, studied the several days, found a lot of IO command is to modify the file content, don't know how to modify the file name,
 & gt;> 1 help 
? - alias for 'help'
Ac - set a new config to the bootargs

Add_autotest add_autotest - Perform this

Add_hsl add_hsl - this with an HSL

Base - print or set the address offset
Bdinfo - print Board Info structure
Bin2nand - bin2nand usbport withsparedata? 1-0 binname partition_name - read binary files and restore it to nand

> Help bin2nand
Bin2nand - bin2nand usbport withsparedata? 1-0 binname partition_name - read binary files and restore it to nand

Bin2nand command: bin2nand usbport withsparedata? 1-0 binname partition_name

Bininfo bininfo - print the parameter information of each partition and the environment

The boot, boot default, i.e. for, run 'bootcmd'
Bootargs_set - Set info exchange and Set to boot args.
Bootcheck bootcheck - Do the boot check

Bootd - boot default, i.e. for, run 'bootcmd'
Bootlogo bootlogo - Display Logo_Music

Bootm - boot application image from the memory
The bootp - the boot image via network using the bootp/TFTP protocol
Bootvideo bootvideo - Display Logo_Video

Checkfile - check the file exist in the u disk, and set the partition.
Chpart - change the active partition
CMP - memory compare
Config2env - Set config to the environment.
Config_raw_io - Config the target device for raw I/O
Coninfo - print the console devices and information
Costar - do oad update from the specified file belong in oad partition

Cp - the memory copy
Crc32 - checksum calculation
Custar - do usb update from the specified file belong in usb.

DBG - set the debug message level. The Default level is INFO
Dbtable_init dbtable_init - let the data is ready (logo, music, a panel, Ursa).

Dc - delete the specific cofig belong in the bootargs

Delay - delay time, the time unit is ms

Destroy_logo destroy_logo - Stop logo display

DHCP - the boot image via network using DHCP/TFTP protocol
Dmx_init dmx_init - the initialize the demux setting

Dont_overwrite - This serial apis are for protecting the specific partitions are overwrited. Ex: customer
This CMD is 2 register which partition should not be overwrite

Dont_overwrite_free - This serial apis are for protecting the specific partitions are overwrited. Ex: customer
This CMD is 2 free all registered partitions.

Dont_overwrite_init - This serial apis are for protecting the specific partitions are overwrited. Ex: customer
This CMD is 2 init This function

Draw_jpg blt_jpg - Blt JPG

Draw_pixel draw_pixel - draw a pixel with color

Draw_progress draw_string - the draw string with color

Draw_rect draw_rect - the draw the rect with color

Draw_string draw_string - the draw string with color

Du du - Disable UART

Dynpart - dynamically calculate partition table -based on & lt; MTD - def>/'dynparts and BBT (it is better to set the last partition size to SIZE_REMAINING)
Ebist - PHY loopback test
Echo - echo the args to console
Editenv - edit environment variable
Edump - EMAC Register during Settings dump
Eloopback - Long loopback test
Env - environment handling commands
Epd - emac power down during
Estart - EMAC start during
Exit, exit the script
False - do nothing and unsuccessfully
Fatfilesize fatfilesize - load binary file from a DOS filesystem

Fatinfo - print information about filesystem
Fatload - load binary file from a DOS filesystem
Fatls - list files in a directory (the default/)
Fatpartload fatpartload - load binary file from a DOS filesystem

Fatwrite fatwrite - write binary file to a DOS filesystem
> Help fatwrite
Fatwrite fatwrite - write binary file to a DOS filesystem

Fatwrite & lt; Interface> (bytes)
- the load binary file 'filename' from 'dev' on 'interface'
To address 'addr from DOS filesystem

Filelist - Dump the file list.

Filelisttest - This command is only for file list test

Filepartload - load part of a file to RAM
Force_overwrite - This serial apis are for force write and re - create partitions.
This CMD is 2 register which partition should force overwrite

Force_overwrite_init - This serial apis are for force write and re - create partitions.
This CMD is 2 register which partition should force overwrite

Get_mboot_config - get mboot config from binary coverted from mboot_config. Ini
Get_mmap - get the memory info from supernova 's mmap
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