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River's lake emergency


Known a c function of assembly code as shown in the right, the following function declaration:
Void function (int x, int *)
Write the definition of this function, and explains its role
Pushl % ebp
Esp movl %, % ebp
Subl $16, % esp
Movl 8 (esp) %, % eax
CMPL 12 (% eax), % eax
Jbe. L3
Movl 8 (% ebp), % eax
Movl (% eax), % eax
Movl % eax, 4 (% ebp)
Movl 12 (% ebp), % eax
Movl (% eax), % edx
Movl 8 (% ebp), % eax
Movl % edx, (% eax)
Movl 12 (% ebp), % eax
Movl - 4 (ebp), % edx
Movl % edx, (% eax)

In a 64 - bit system registers RSP (RSP) % is _____
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