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How would one reset the page options of a table in Vuetify?


While I am in page 2 of my pagination

enter image description here

My options look like this

enter image description here

Then, I create a record that required me to call API to updateData() on the table.

I would like to reset my pagination back to the first page.

I've tried

this.options = {}

I have this codes

watch: {
    options: {
        handler() {
        deep: true

Any hints for me ?

CodePudding user response:

If you're using the options prop of v-data-table, you can just set the page back to 1.

methods: {
  goToFirstPage() {
    this.$set(this.options, 'page, 1);

If not, add a page model and bind it to the data table so you can easily change the page.

<v-data-table :page="page" />
data: () => ({
   page: 1,

methods: {
  goToFirstPage() {
    this.page = 1;
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