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Row is getting duplicated in Vue


My column is duplicating and I don't understand why. It doesn't happen to the columns that don't have the class applied to them.

What can I do?

<tr v-for="(item, key) in array.filter(el => el.Id !== null)">
  <td>@{{ key   1 }}.</td>
      v-for="subitem in array.filter(el => el.Id === item.Id)" 
      @{{ subitem.NAME }}
        <i> edit </i>
    @{{ item.NAME2 }}

This is the array

Name: "John", Id: 10, NAME2: "Joey", IdParent: 16 
Name: "Mike", Id: 11, NAME2: "Mark", IdParent: 19 
Name: "Andrew", Id: 13, NAME2: "Mark", IdParent: 19 

And this is the .children-row class style

.children-row {
     padding-top: 6px;
.children-row:nth-child(odd) {
     padding-top: 0px;
     padding-bottom: 6px;
     border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5;

What i'm looking for is to have the objects which have the same Id, be grouped into the same table cell.

This is what i currently have, the problem is that the second row, shows up twice


CodePudding user response:

Problem is here:

  v-for="subitem in array.filter(el => el.Id === item.Id &&)" 

The div component with its content will be generated as many times as many there are items with the same Id (because of v-for directive). For those columns, you will also apply the children-row class because this is the case where (...).lenght will be bigger than one. (That's why you can see that all duplicated columns have children-row applied)

If you change the first v-for directive to iterate only on the rows with unique Id you should get rid of duplicate rows

<tr v-for="(item, key) in array.filter((el, index, self) => el.Id !== null && index === self.findIndex((e) => (e.Id === el.Id))" >
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