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C change behavior of function on behalf of input


my program in C has some functionality (#obviously). The program gets input from the user, this user can then choose different implementations, e.g. myProgram -V1, or myProgram -V2 ...

This specification of -V1, -V2, ... decides how the function performs a particular calculation.


for (int i = 0; i < len; i  ) {
  i  = myFunctionWhichChangesBehaviorOnUserInput(arr[i]);

Now I don't want to create a separate function for each V and then change the respective myFunctionWhichChangesBehaviorOnUserInput() function there.

I know you can do it this way in java.

interface Compute {
  double compute(double n);

... some imple of Compute 

class Task {
  Compute compute;

  void setCompute(Compute c) {this.compute = c}

  double doMyStuff(double[] arr) {
    double n = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i  ) {
      n  = compute.compute(arr[i]);
    return n;

How can you implement this in C, must be possible somehow.

CodePudding user response:

It can be done by:

  • Parse the command line arguments.
  • See if the argument matches the list of allowed arguments.
  • Call a function in an array of functions based on index from the list of arguments.

We can create a struct containing a valid command line string as well as a pointer to the corresponding function:

typedef void vfunc_t (void);
typedef struct
  char*    str;
  vfunc_t* vfunc;
} arg_t;

Then declare an array of such structs:

const arg_t valid_args [3] = 
  [0] = {.str="-V1", .vfunc=v1func },
  [1] = {.str="-V2", .vfunc=v2func },
  [2] = {.str="-V3", .vfunc=v3func },

Full example:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <string.h>

typedef void vfunc_t (void);
typedef struct
  char*    str;
  vfunc_t* vfunc;
} arg_t;

// some functions with different behavior:
void v1func (void) { puts(__func__); }
void v2func (void) { puts(__func__); }
void v3func (void) { puts(__func__); }

// callback function to bsearch for our arg_t type:
static int argcmp (const void* o1, const void* o2)
  const arg_t* a1 = (const arg_t*)o1;
  const arg_t* a2 = (const arg_t*)o2;
  return strcmp(a1->str, a2->str);

int main (int argc, char* argv[])
  const arg_t valid_args [3] = 
    [0] = {.str="-V1", .vfunc=v1func },
    [1] = {.str="-V2", .vfunc=v2func },
    [2] = {.str="-V3", .vfunc=v3func },

  if(argc != 2)
    puts("Usage: yadayada...");
    return 0;

    As the strings are sorted in alphabetic order, bsearch 
    is the most efficient way to find the matching one. 
    Overkill in this simple example, but not when there's 
    hundreds of options.
  arg_t key = {argv[1], NULL };
  arg_t* arg = bsearch(&key, 
                       sizeof valid_args/sizeof *valid_args,
                       sizeof *valid_args,
  if(arg == NULL)
    puts("Usage: yadayada...");
    return 0;

  size_t index = arg - valid_args; // pointer arithmetic on the struct array
  vfunc_t* vfunc = valid_args[index].vfunc; // table look-up

  vfunc(); // call the function matching the command-line argument

Note: This code is sparse with error handling. Consider adding bounds checks, argv sanitizing and similar.

CodePudding user response:

It sounds like you want function pointers.

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>

typedef void (*compute_t)(double);
void printing_a(double);
void printing_b(double);

double arr[5] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0};
size_t len = 5;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    compute_t myfunction;
    if (argc > 2) {
        myfunction = printing_a;
    } else {
        myfunction = printing_b;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i  ) {

void printing_a(double n) {
    printf("printing_a(%f)", n);

void printing_b(double n) {
    printf("printing_b(%f/2)", n*2.0);

You can set the function pointer, and then call the function pointed to by the pointer. This is analogous to your Java code.

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