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Split string into array, convert last number to int and subtract, replace original string with new i


I have a batch file that takes an argument that looks like this: 7.0.5 or maybe

I want to take the last digit of the string, subtract 1 from it, then re-save the original string replacing the last number with the new one. Here is what I have so far:

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

set tag=%1
echo %tag%

for %%a in ("%tag:.=" "%") do set "output=%%~a"
echo last number: %output%

set /a count=0
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=." %%a in ("%tag%") do (
    set /a count =1
    set "numbers[!count!]=%%a"
    echo numbers[a]: %%a

for /l %%a in (1,1,3) do echo %numbers[%%a]%

set /a lastNum=%output%
echo lastNum: %lastNum%

set /a prevNum=lastNum-1
echo prevNum: %prevNum%

This doesn't work, obviously. The second for loop will only print the first digit and when I get to the third for loop, it only prints ECHO is off. And I haven't even gotten to replacing the string. But if I can get the array populated, then it should be simple.

CodePudding user response:

This works:

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

set "tag=%1"
echo %tag%

set "last=%tag:.=" & set "out=!out!!last!." & set /A "last=%-1" & set "out=!out!!last!"

echo %out%

If you want to comprehend where the magic is, remove the @echo off line and carefully review the executed code...

CodePudding user response:

Treat it like a file name and it becomes trivial. Your last token would then be the extension, available as %%~xa, the part before would be the "file name", available as %%~na:

@echo off
set tag=%~1
echo input: %tag%
set "last=%~x1"           &REM last token ("extension")
set /a last=%last:~1%-1   &REM remove the dot and subtract one
set "prevnum=%~n1.%last%" &REM reassemble "filename"."newExtension"
echo lastNum: %~1         &REM original parameter
echo prevNum: %prevNum%   &REM new calcualted value
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