I'm currently displaying two icons and I kept space between them using flex-box property justify-content and value space-between. The problem is that sometimes only one icon is going to be displayed and I need the V-icon to always stay to the left and the urgent-icon to the right. I tried to use floats(right/left) or some flex-box properties like justify-self: end or flex-end but it did not work. The urgent-icon goes to the left and it should always stay to the right. Is is possible to achieve it with flex-box? Where did I make mistake?
<div >
<a (click)="navigateToDetails($event)">{{request.id}}</a>
<div >
<img src="assets/v-icon.svg"
title="Urgent Request" (click)="navigateToDetails($event)"
[tooltip]="'Link redirects to Vendor Req.: ' request.id"
[options]="{'tooltip-class': 'tooltip-style', 'placement': 'top'}">
<img *ngIf="request?.urgent" height="22" width="22" src="assets/urgent-icon.svg"
CodePudding user response:
Just give the right icon margin-left:auto
div {
width: 150px;
border: 1px solid red;
padding: 1em .25em;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
margin: 1em;
span:last-of-type {
margin-left: auto;
CodePudding user response:
You can create a spacer between images, with flex: 1 1;
width: 50%;
height: 50px;
background: rgb(200, 200, 200);
display: flex;
.spacer{ /* this will expand into all the space left over */
flex: 1 1;
height: 100%;
width: 50px;
background: rgb(150, 100, 255);
background: rgb(255, 100, 100);
<div >
<div ></div> <!-- Add this between the images -->
<span ></span>
<div >
<div ></div>
<span ></span>
<div >
<div ></div>