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Specialization of variadic template function over the non-variadic arguments


I have a template for a function that accepts at least one parameter and performs some formatting on the rest:

template <typename T, typename... ARGS>
void foo(T first, ARGS&&... args)
    // ...

I want it to do a different thing when the first parameter is of a specific type. I like the compiler to choose this particular version, where the rest of the variadic arguments are just ignored. So I tried template specialization:

template <>
void foo(const ICON* p)
    // ...


template <typename T, typename... ARGS>
void foo(const ICON* p, ARGS&&... args)
   // ...

I also tried a non-templated overload, though it always picks the first version.

The caller code is supposed not to know about templates at all (legacy code, backwards-compatibility nonsense, etc.) So it relies on type deduction and calls like this:

MyClass fooMaker;
fooMaker.set("A", "B", 3.14, 42); // v1
fooMaker.set(pIcon);              // v2 (special)

CodePudding user response:

If you have access to or later, using if constexpr you can retain the true statement in the foo, at compile time, as follows:

#include <type_traits> // std::is_pointer_v, std::is_same_v

template <typename T, typename... ARGS>
void foo(T first, ARGS&&... args)
    if constexpr (std::is_pointer_v<T> // is pointer check
        && std::is_same_v<T, ICON*>)   // is the type is of "ICON*"
        // ICON impli...
        // other impli...

See online demo

CodePudding user response:

Since function templates can't be partially specialized, we can overload them as shown below to get the desired effect:

struct ICON{};
template <typename T, typename... ARGS>
void foo(T first, ARGS&&... args) // #1
    std::cout<<"primary version selected"<<std::endl;
//-------v--------------------->typename T removed from here
template<typename... ARGS>
void foo(ICON*, ARGS&&...args)// #2
    std::cout<<"overloaded version used"<<std::endl;
int main()
    foo(1,2, "some string literal"); //calls #1
    ICON i{};
    ICON *ptrI = &i;
    foo(ptrI);                       //calls #2                     
    return 0;

Working demo

CodePudding user response:

I also tried a non-templated overload though it always picks the first version...

How did you try non-templated overloads? All you need is to define another overload of the template function for your type:

#include <iostream>

template <typename Type, typename... Arguments>
void function(Type, Arguments&&...)
{ std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl; }

void function(double const&)
{ std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl; }
void function(std::string const&)
{ std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl; }

struct Icon {};
void function(Icon const&)
{ std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl; }
void function(Icon* const)
{ std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl; }

int main()
  function("A", "B", 3.14, 42);
  Icon icon;

In godbolt: godbolt.org/z/bjfbM9Wqs

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