Home > OS > Small white I just want to ask a programming language to design a table mat not automatic calculatio
Small white I just want to ask a programming language to design a table mat not automatic calculatio
Such as a treasure, there is a table mat I offer table mat's long and wide, and then need to take a picture of how many? Qualification is the seller's table mat the maximum is 137 cm wide, there is no limit to the length, For example, if you need to take 137 * 65 table mat, just need to take 65 can, If you need to take 140 * 65, you need to take 140, because of the wide table mat 137140 is beyond maximum so can intercept from the length width, Small white just wanted to ask, what programming software can be used as long as you input the size of the need to design this will directly give need how many copies of the